RegiSTAR ACT introduces an automated process to deliver National Career Readiness Certificates. RegiSTAR
Streamline the process between tests and certificates.
Standard Processing Complete the 3 WorkKeys tests. Establish account Order an individual certificate.
Streamlined Processing Establish a RegiSTAR account. Individuals complete the 3 Wkys tests. Reports and certificates are created and distributed.
RegiSTAR Prototypes 2008 AlaskaMarch 2008 ConnecticutApril 2008 Michigan WIRED IIApril 2008 IllinoisMay 2008 South CarolinaMay 2008 WyomingJuly 2008 New MexicoJuly 2008 IowaSeptember 2008 OregonOctober 2008
Lessons Learned Privacy is paramount –ACT Data Policy Test taker Test administrator Test purchaser Identification is critical –Five match criteria –Exam ID is private information
Matching Records: Details Count First Name Last Name Day of Birth Month of Birth Unique ID Number
What can RegiSTAR do? Combine results from paper and pencil with results from electronic testing Combine results across multiple testing locations Register all qualified individuals Print and distribute weekly
RegiSTAR Reports Certificate Results File Test Results File Export Certificate Data Export Test Data
Certificate Results File This is a static report that is the result of the weekly, biweekly or monthly sweep of RegiSTAR. It will list all registration numbers that have been earned in the particular RegiSTAR since the last sweep.
Certificate Results File Certificate Results File includes : Your RegiSTAR account name The five match criteria Certificate level achieved Certificate registration number MyWorkKeys login name and password Certificate issue date Any demographic information provided by the examinee
Test Results File This is a static report that is the result of the weekly, biweekly or monthly sweep of RegiSTAR. It will list all results of a particular sweep, whether it produced a registration number or not.
Test Results File This is a text report which includes: Five match criteria Certificate level achieved Certificate registration number MyWorkKeys login name and password Reason certificate was not created
Export Certificate Data This report allows the customer to view the number of registrations (certificates) earned over a particular time period of the customers choosing.
Export Certificate Data Export Certificate Data report includes: Examinees first name and last name Certificate level achieved and date of issue Certificate registration number Demographic information Assessment scores used to determine certificate level and eligibility Test date and last test location
Export Test Data This report allows the customer to view the number of assessments taken in a particular time period of the customers choosing.
Export Test Data Export Certificate Data report includes: Examinees first name and last name Test date and location where examinee tested Assessment scores and the corresponding scale score Demographic information
Sample Certificates by Time This report allows the user a quick graphical snapshot of how many certificates were issued each week a RegiSTAR sweep ran.
Total Certificates by Time This report allows the user a quick graphical snapshot of how many certificates have been issued over a designated period of time. It keeps a running total of certificates for the designated period of time selected.
How do I get RegiSTAR Sign up for RegiSTAR through ACT Identify the sites within your account Decide on NCRC distribution plan Define billing rules
How much does RegiSTAR cost Initial Set up fee depends on the size of the Agency $ 10,000 Max Annual Maintenance fee based on set up fee $2.50 for Registration # and $2.50 for Printed Cert ( Total $5.00) See NCRC Price Schedule
Prices effective through August 2009
NCRC Advanced Practices Establish high level support in government offices Identify an active champion and community leaders Actively market your program Know your funding source Identify your target audience Establish a manageable set of test sites and design an effective training plan Define an effective certificate production plan Coordinate multi agency participation