Base form Past simple becomebuild hide ride steal tear sing sweep smellspeak sit teach stick sweep spend stand set set swept sang stuck sat spent became stood rode built hid stole set rode smelt tore stole 1. Match the base form and its past simple of the verb
Example: Martin tidied up his bedroom on last Sunday. Martin didn’t wash the dish on last Monday. Look at the Martin’s weekly schedule. Say what Martin did and what didn’t do in last week. SUNDAY tidy my bedroom listen to the Top 40 on the radio MONDAY wash the dish finish my Maths homework for school TUESDAY help in restaurant WEDNESDAYlearn 100 new French words THURSDAY work on my new computer talk to Jenny in the evening FRIDAY play chess with Paul watch the film about India at 7.30 SATURDAY go for a trip to Vienna
Make the questions in past simple, ask the underline expressions ____________________________________ It rained two weeks ago. ____________________________________ The boys broke the window yesterda afternoon. ____________________________________ Sheila finished her homework at nine. ____________________________________ My friend was in France last summer. ____________________________________ Tom and Peter were afraid of school exam yesterday. ____________________________________
Write questions and short answers. my parents / have / a holiday / last summer ? __________________________________ Jane / read the book / last night? ________________________________
Write questions and short answers. your schoolmates / go / out / last night? _________________________________ you and Phillippa / go / to Daniel's party? _________________________________
Complete the text with the past simple tense of the verbs in brackets. Last Friday I (go) 1 ________ into town with my friend, Josh. I (want) 2 _______ to buy some CDs and some trainers. I (buy) 3 ______ the CDs but I (not like) 4 _______ the trainers in the sports shop. We (have) 5 ________ a drink in a café. We (meet) 6 _________ Josh's dad in the café and he (drive) 7 _______us to their house. Josh (show) 8 _______ me his new computer game. We (not play) 9 ________ it because we (watch) 10 ______ a programme on TV.