This section of our subject requires you to manage a project in which you will plan, design and develop a podcast of an interview with the designer of your agency’s new office layout. The purpose of the podcast is to provide staff with an entertaining audio description of the office layout’s design concept and the aims of the design. The stages (Sub Projects) within your podcast project will be: Pre-production Production Post productionDistribution PROJECT SCHEDULING The Podcast Project
Pre-production Prepare the elements involved in your podcast production. For example, develop the podcast format, podcast outline and podcast script. Locate and assemble production resources (microphone, recorder, editing software, etc. Schedule the production activities and rehearse the production.
Production Record your interview, introduction, conclusion and obtain the other audio elements to be used in your podcast e.g. music, voices, backgrounds, sound effects. Assemble and label the audio resources (clips) so that they will be ready for editing.
Post production Edit the audio elements, add other audio if needed, adjust volume, create fades and organize audio clips into the finished podcast.
Distribution Publish your podcast – make it available to users (staff) by placing it on the Intranet’s wiki and your blog site.
A project schedule designates work to be done and specifies deadlines for completing tasks and deliverables. The project schedule depicts: >Time (duration) estimates for all project tasks >Start and finish dates for the tasks >Names of staff resources assigned to complete the tasks >Sequence of tasks A major component of a project schedule is a work breakdown structure (WBS). The project schedule is constructed to reflect the work breakdown structure. PROJECT SCHEDULING
Podcast TitleInterview With An Office Layout Designer MusicTitle of music and notes on sound effects and fades. Introduction Example of Introduction: Welcome to a Podcast for our Agency’s staff. I am your podcast host Maria Widener, from our Agency’s screen and media team bringing you another podcast to inform and entertain you. Program Overview Today on the show we are interviewing………. the designer of our new office layout and will find out………. Program Hi Reza welcome to our podcast. I would like to start by asking you ……….. Question 1:……………..Summarise and link to next question. Question 2…………… etc. Closing Thanks for listening to this Podcast. Please tune in for the next podcast when I will continue to bring you information on developments and trends for your information. Have a great day! MusicTitle of music and notes on sound effects and fades. Sample Podcast Script
The project manager uses the schedule to help plan, execute and control project tasks and to track and monitor the progress of the project. The project schedule defines timelines for key deliverables and sets expectations for project progress and completion. THE PROJECT SCHEDULE
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Podcast Interview Project Pre-production Production Post production Distribution OUR PROJECT TEMPLATE
Go to Complete your project’s work schedule and Gantt chart