Tuul River Basin, Mongolia Ms.S.Baasansuren, Lecturer Mongolian University of Sciences and Technology Ms.J.Otgonbayar, Officer Water Authority, Mongolia
Mongolia has 3 hydrological drainage basins. Tuul River Basin-TRB belongs to Arctic Ocean Basin.
TRB occupies 3.19 % of the total area of Mongolia.
Tuul River Basin has 9 sub-basins. Catchment area: 49,840 km 2
Tuul riverWidth →35-75 m Depth → m Topography The basin covers mountain, forest and steppe area within Khan Khentii and Bogd Uul strictly protected areas, Gorkhi-Terelj Natural Park and Khustai Nuruu Natural Reserve. Altitude ranges m. Geology It consists of Cenozoic sand, gravel and clay; Mesozoic granites, sandstones and siltstones and Palaeozoic shales and conglomerates. The alluvial unconfined aquifer thickness of Tuul river valley is m or more. Rainfall Average annual rainfall 232 mm River length and annual flow Length of Tuul river is 704 km Annual mean flow 26.6 m 3 /sec GEOGRAPHICAL PROPERTIES
Tuul river recharge: GW (26%), melted snow (5%) and rain (69%).
Situation Tuul river basin includes 7 districts of Ulaanbaatar city, 19 small administrative units of Tuv, Bulgan, Selenge provinces. Total population in the basin Basin covers the highest populated part of Mongolia. Population main city The capital of Mongolia is Ulaanbaatar Water Poverty Index parameters: Water scarcity index Safe drinking water accessibility Vulnerability index for TRB 0.441* Water pollution Ecosystem deterioration * UNEP report “Freshwater under threat Northeast Asia” DEMOGRAPHIC PROPERTIES
Land use classification of TRB
WATER RESOURCES IN TUUL RIVER BASIN Total surface & groundwater resources: 1.28 bln m 3 /year Total surface water abstractions, estimated: mln m 3 /year Total groundwater abstractions, estimated: mln m 3 /year
SectorTotal water use of MongoliaWater use of TBR Drinking water supply5327 Livestock935 Agriculture912 Manufacturing3725 Power plant3327 Mining6532 Tourism0.8 Total water uses372.8 mln m 3 /year118.8 mln m 3 /year
Hydrological stations observing the Tuul river regime and quality.
downstream ← upstream downstream ← upstream Comparison of Tuul river water quality in Ulaanbaatar city Contaminated by the effluents from city sewage plant and industries
Downstream of the Tuul river polluted by silt & mud from mining activities in Zaamar, Tuv provinc e.
Surface water pollution leads to lowering of groundwater level. Observation done within the “Sustainable groundwater management in Mongolia” project.
- Increasing urbanization, deforestation, overgrazing pasture, waste water mismanagement, mineral resources exploitation destructing the Tuul river ecosystem. - Surface water pollution threatens safety of drinking water resources. Setting up “Tuul River Basin Board” is underway. Work out”Integrated Water Management Plan of Tuul Tiver Basin” is vital. CONCLUSION: