CHAPTER 10, pp. 425-472 500-1300 c.e. “World of European Christendom”
STRAYER CHAPTER 10 HOME WORK Date Assigned APW 1 Homework Assignment Strayer, Chapter 10 3-25-15 HW Tonight—Chapter 10 pp. 425-472—HW—due 3-7-14 Strayer Book, read pp. 425-432 BYZANTIUM. Answer the following margin + map questions: p. 428 MAP 10.1: Examine map and answer: (1) Compare the early Byzantine Empire with Justinian’s. Include territories, civilizations + bodies of water. P. 427 Continuity + Change: In what respects did Byzantium continue the patterns of the classical Roman Empire? In what ways did it diverge from those patterns? P. 429 Comparison: How did Eastern Orthodox Christianity differ from Roman Catholicism? P. 432 Connection: In what ways was the Byzantine Empire linked to a wider world? 3-27-15 Strayer Book, read pp. 433-442 RUSSIA + WESTERN EUROPE. Answer the following margin + map questions: p. 433 Connection: How did links to Byzantium transform the new civilization of Kievan Rus? P. 435 Comparison: How did the historical development of the European West differ from that of Byzantium in the post-classical era? Explain. P. 435 Change: What replaced the Roman order in Western Europe? Explain. P. 436 MAP 10.2: Western Europe 800 c.e.—Who were the neighbors to the Carolingian Empire? P. 438 Change: In what ways was the European civilization changing after 1000 c.e.? P. 442 Change: What was the impact of the Crusades in world history? HW CONTINUED ON THE NEXT SLIDE…………………………………. STRAYER CHAPTER 10 HOME WORK CHAPTER 8 Strayer Text Book HW
STRAYER CHAPTER 10 HOME WORK CHAPTER 8 Strayer Text Book HW STRAYER CHAPTER 10 HOME WORK Date Assigned APW 1 Homework Assignment Strayer, Chapter 10 3-31-15 Strayer Book, read pp. 446-452 EUROPE. Answer the following margin + map questions: P. 446 Change: In what ways did borrowing from abroad shape European civilization after 1000 c.e.? P. 448 Comparison: (a) Why was Europe unable to achieve the kind of political unity that China experienced? (b) What impact did this have on the subsequent history of Europe? P. 449 Comparison: In what different ways did classical Greek philosophy and science have an impact in the West, in Byzantium and in the Islamic World? 4-1-2015 (due 4-14-2015) Strayer Text, read the following Documents in Chapter 10 PP. 455-464: Document 10.1: pp. 455-456 The Conversion of Clovis—”History of the Franks”. Answer all 1 and 4 on p. 456. Document 10.2: pp. Pope Gregory’s to the English Church—Advice on Dealing with Pagans. Answer questions #2 and 3 on p. 457. Document 10.3: pp. 458-460. Charlemagne and the Saxons. Answer all 3 of the questions on p. 459. Documents 10.4 + 10.5: pp. 460-461 “Life of Boniface” + “Leechbook”. Answer on p. 460 all 3 questions. Document 10.6: pp. 462-464 The Jesus Sutras in China: “The Jesus Sutras”. Answer on p. 462 all 4 questions. ADD THIS ASSIGNMENT TO YOUR DOCUMENT FOLDER! 4-13-15 Complete “Justinian and Byzantine Greatness”. You can find this handout on my Bronx Science page. It is in the APW1 folder which is to the right of the page. Click on it. Print it out. Complete it and bring it to class tomorrow. 4-15-2015 Strayer Book, read pp. 453 CHAPTER REVIEW. Answer the following questions: What’s the Significance? 4-17-15 Strayer Book, p. 435, Chapter Review. The Big Picture Questions—ANSWER ALL. This weekend Watch PBS VIDEO ON THE CRUSADES—It is the 2nd to last slide in this presentation. (Must see this video before 4-21-2015. On 4-22-2015, you are to hand in the answers to the questions on this video. The questions that you are to answer are on the last slide of this homework series. Either print the slide and answer the questions on the slide or write out the questions and answer them. HW CONTINUED ON THE NEXT SLIDE…………………………………. 4
STRAYER CHAPTER 10 HOME WORK CHAPTER 5 Strayer Text Book HW STRAYER CHAPTER 10 HOME WORK Date Assigned APW 1 Homework Assignment Strayer, Chapter 10 4-20-15 Strayer Text Visuals pp. 466-471. Visual 10.1: pp. 466-468—Christ Pantokrator. On p. 468 answer questions 1 + 2. Visual 10.2: pp. 468-469—The Nativity. On p. 468 answer questions 1 + 2. Visual 10.3: The Ladder of Divine Ascent. On p. 471 answer the 1st red squared question. Visuals 10.4 + 10.5: Describe each visual. ADD THIS ASSIGNMENT TO YOUR DOCUMENT FOLDER! 4-22-2015 Complete Review Worksheet: Part 1: Questions 1-8. Worksheets will be distributed in class. DUE FRIDAY, 4-24-2015 Weekend Assignment—due Monday 4-27-15 DOCUMENT FOLDERS MUST BE HANDED IN TO THE TEACHER ON WEDNESDAY 4-24-2015. THEY WILL BE KEPT IN THE CLASSROOM FOR AN IN CLASS TEAM WORK ASSIGNMENT. ESSAY: How does the history of the Christian World in the post-classical era compare with that of T’ang and Song Dynasty China? 1st. Complete essay organizational chart. 2nd. Write your essay. Remember to include: thesis, body paragraphs (with claim, evidence and analysis of evidence), closing paragraph with sums on the points you make in your essay. 3rd. Staple your organizational chart to the front of your essay. Essays should be typed or very neatly written in pen. 4-27-2015 DUE 4-28-2015 Complete document handout on Europe High Middle ages. Read all 3 documents. Answer the questions on the handout. Bring your completed work to class for an in-class team assignment on 4-30-15. Test will be on 4-29-2015 CHAPTER 10 TEST. Please use all review worksheets to prepare for this test. BEGIN CHAPTER 11 HW! NEXT HW SERIES: STRAYER CHAPTER 11— 5
CHAPTER 10, CRUSADES Watch BBC’S VIDEO— “THE CRUSADES” This is a lengthy video. Please view the 1st 4 segments (There are 20—if you have time, watch them all. BBC videos really inform—but for this assignment, you need only view the 1st 4!). The next slide contains the hyperlink and the homework questions. Answer the questions that are on the next slide. You will find the answers in the video, but you may include class discussions and your own personal “outside information”. For fun, you might also consider looking at the you tube video on the crusades by “crash course”. While “crash course” is not “ap” level, it is a fun way to review history. When you watch this or any of the “crash course” videos, evaluate each one. Consider what was not included and might have been added to the video to better inform the audience.
BBC’S VIDEO—THE CRUSADES CHAPTER 10, CRUSADES BBC’S VIDEO—THE CRUSADES 1. Why were knights, peasants and fanatics caught up in the Crusades? 2. How had all 3 Abrahamic faiths—Jews, Christians + Muslims—become involved in the Crusades? 3. How had the Crusades sowed the seeds of ‘jihad’? 4. How had the rise of the Islamic Caliphates contributed to the rise of the Crusades? 5. How might Western Europe’s “Primogeniture Problem” have contributed to the Crusades. CRUSADES CLICK HERE Note: if you are unable to open this video, use google chrome and type into the url: THE CRUSADES: CRESCENT & THE CROSS – Documentary. You should be able to find it there.
The essay chart is on the next page. Print it out and complete it. ESSAY: How does the history of the Christian World in the post-classical era compare with that of T’ang and Song Dynasty China? 1st. Complete essay organizational chart. 2nd. Write your essay. Remember to include: thesis, body paragraphs (with claim, evidence and analysis of evidence), closing paragraph with sums on the points you make in your essay. 3rd. Staple your organizational chart to the front of your essay. Essays should be typed or very neatly written in pen.
How does the history of the Christian World in the post-classical era compare with that of T’ang and Song Dynasty China? BP Themes #1 #2 #3 Direct Comparison Evidence E1: E2: Analysis A1: A2: Thesis: Remember include BP themes, region(s), era, a direct comparison and a conclusion.