District QA Findings Summary Aggregate – Documentation: While reviewing the delivery tickets for aggregate being shipped to the project it was found that the delivery tickets were missing the State Route and Section. Quality Assurance reviewed several delivery tickets to PennDOT projects. It was noted that the tickets did not contain the ECMS number, County, or District as required by POM B/7/15.
District QA Findings Summary Aggregate - Equipment: The Source's Gilson Mechanical Sieve Shaker is not loading the sieve screens equally. The material is shaking to the rear of the sieve screens and is preventing the shaker from operating efficiently and accurately.
District QA Findings Summary Bituminous – Testing/Documentation: The Contractor's approved QC plan states a temperature check will be performed on the first three loads of bituminous material and every fifth load, thereafter. QA did not witness the Contractor's Personnel performing any temperature checks, and when questioned they did not have a thermometer to perform temperature checks. The only temperature checks performed during this review was performed by the Project Inspection Staff.
District QA Findings Summary Bituminous – Surface Preparation: The face of the transverse joint was painted with a thin coating of PG as required by Section 409.3(k)2 of Publication 408. However, at the beginning of the placement, from the transverse joint to approximately 5 to 10 feet ahead of the transverse joint, the application of tack was not uniformly applied as required in Section 460 of Publication 408.
District QA Findings Summary Longitudinal Joint: The contractor was utilizing the previously placed temporary paint lines to establish his paving lane. The paving operator did not have a true point of reference to follow. QA witnessed the operator not paving a straight line. This was discussed with the IIC and the Contractor's Superintendent. This also resulted in the longitudinal joint as being not a true straight line in some areas on the project which have already been paved. There were lanes constructed with the notched wedge joint in which the abutting lane was not placed the next day as required by Section 409.3(k)1.c.
District QA Findings Summary Concrete – Testing/ Acceptance: The Concrete Technician did not have his certification card with him at the time of this review –you must have your NECEPT Concrete Technician card, on your person, at all times when testing concrete on PennDOT projects. The Concrete Technician did not use a piece of wet burlap to protect the concrete sample in the wheel barrow … a rain shower occurred while the third load of cement concrete was being tested, potentially exposing the sample to additional water. Therefore an incorrect slump test result may have occurred.
District QA Findings Summary Concrete – Testing/ Acceptance: The contractor only had one functioning air meter on site at the time of this review. The contractors approved Quality Control Plan states there would be two air meters available (as per Sec (d)3). With only one air meter available, QA could not perform an Independent Assurance Review.
District QA Findings Summary Concrete – Testing/ Acceptance: Review of the CS-472 revealed that AT had not been performed on three separate placements. The Department Representative stated that AT was not performed because the lot size for roadway paving was not 200 cyds. –Section 704, Table B, lot sizes for AT Paving Paving 500 cyds or portion thereof… (lots established daily) Therefore 3 sets of AT cylinders should have been molded.
District QA Findings Summary Concrete – Testing/ Acceptance: Acceptance test locations for concrete placed were not selected using PTM #1. The verification log in the back of the CID book was not filled out. After a cursory review of the individual placements contained in the CS-472, it appeared as though one verification test was missed. The project inspection staff and the contractor personnel were not maintaining documentation on the number of breaks for the neoprene cylinder pad. There is a maximum of 100 breaks per neoprene pad.
District QA Findings Summary Concrete – Placement/Finishing: Due to the problems experienced at the plant, some of the successive batches of concrete was not placed within 30 minutes. Also, the minimum placement rate of 20 linear feet an hour was not maintained. The contractor took an exceedingly long time to perform the floating and straightedge operations, which resulted in the burlap not being placed in a timely manner.
District QA Findings Summary Concrete – CPR Transverse Joints: The dowel holes were not properly spaced at twelve inch center to center on the first patching joint. The dowel holes varied in spacing from ten inches to fourteen inches because the dowel holes were not drilled on the laid out paint marks. Section 516.3(e)1 allows the dowel holes to be moved up to one inch to avoid existing reinforcing steel, however, there was no reinforcing steel encountered at the patch joint. –Dowel holes need to be drilled as shown on RC-26M
District QA Findings Summary Certifications and Documentation: Certifications for the following miscellaneous structure items were not completed correctly (no lot numbers) or were missing ; –Curing Compound, Sika-Flex, Grout, Neoprene bearing pads, mill certifications for the reinforcing steel support chairs. At the time of this review, the project did not have an approved Source of Supply for ….. After reviewing Bulletin 15, QA determined that some of material did not come from an approved supplier.
District QA Findings Summary Certifications and Documentation: The sub-contractor provided certifications for the temporary paint. However, the certifications provided were the original certifications provided from Sherwin-Williams to the sub- contractor. The certification did not contain the number of gallons of paint received by sub-contractor to fill the truck. –Project should provide a copy of Project Office Manual B/6/3, Example#2 which shows how supplier, who is not listed in Bulletin 15, ships materials produced by a manufacturer, who is listed in Bulletin 15, to a Department Project
District QA Findings Summary Certifications and Contract Compliance: The certification for the MSE wall components submitted by the DBE supplier were incorrectly marked "Identifiable Steel" and had no back up mill certifications. There are also conflicting issues with DBE’s role in what material they supplied and their role as either a supplier or a broker. –The DBE’s role with regard to shipping on trucks, associated leases, Bill of Ladings, and clear chain of custody on certifications should be verified by the project.
District QA Findings Summary Safety: The second load of concrete delivered to the project was on a rear discharge mixer truck. The truck turned around on the ramp from Interstate A Westbound to Interstate B Northbound without any protection from oncoming traffic. –The contractor should request all front discharge mixer trucks due to the limited space available, or provide MPT. The concrete pump was set up in the travel lane. A temporary lane closure was in place. The concrete trucks delivering to the project were front discharge. In order to reach the concrete pump, the trucks had to drive in a northerly direction in the SB lane closure.
District QA Findings Summary Concrete Pipe Placement: The Contractor compacted the area requiring a 12” uncompacted envelope of 2A coarse aggregate directly over top of the pipe, as required on RC- 30M, Sheet #4.
District QA Findings Summary Concrete Pipe Placement/Inspection: During the review, it was determined there have been no CS-6 forms completed for any of the pipes installed on the project, as required by the Contract Project Special Provision, Section 601.3(q). QA discussed the issue with the Consultant IIC, who was unaware of the requirement.
District QA Findings Summary 100 Yr. Pipe Post Intallation Inspection: It was determined that the summary reports were not provided the Department within 72 hours as required by Publication 408, Section 601.3(n)1. Additionally, the reports did not document the required information as outlined in PTM 450 Section 2.3., including a summary of findings.
District QA Findings Summary Labor and Contract Compliance: The projects bulletin board is not properly protected from the weather. Most of the posters within the bulletin board were wet as was the bound book that should contain the subcontractors EEO policies. The contractor also has a pile of cold patch stored in front of the bulletin board which impedes access. The bulletin board did not have the wage rates displayed as required.
District QA Findings Summary Labor and Contract Compliance: The project is performing the wage rate spot checks at the proper frequency however they are not properly completing the required documentation. The project inspectors are not checking the payrolls against the predetermined wage rates. If the worker does not know his/her wage, the project is not informing the worker of their proper wage rate.