Course Selections for 2013 – 2014
March 1-7:Math teachers make recommendations for math levels based on the criteria in the Program of Studies March 12:Course Selection Meeting for Parents at 6:30pm March 13-22:Student portal is open in X2 computer program for all current 6th and 7th graders to select courses for the school year March 22nd:All course requests must be inputted by students/parents/guardians March 22nd:All Placement Review Forms due to the Guidance Office Sequence of Events
071 English 7 Math 270 Accelerated Math 7or 271 Math Ancient Civilizations 094 Critical Reading & Thinking (½ year course) 273 Math Connections (½ year course) 372 Life Science World Language: (select one - a continuation of current language enrolled in unless you speak with your Guidance Counselor): 471 French 472 Latin 473 Spanish Physical Education (975 or 975M) Required Courses for 7 th Grade
Elected Courses for 7 th Grade Each student must choose one physical education class and either music, STEM, or art. Please know that taking a music course is not required in 7th grade. If you choose art: select 772 Art & 975 P.E. If you choose STEM: select 787 STEM & 975 P.E. If you choose band: select 583 Band & 975M P.E.Music If you choose chorus: select 581 Chorus & 975M P.E.Music If you choose orchestra: select 585 Orchestra & 975M P.E. Music Learning Center (By Special Education Recommendation Only) (This class will count as one full block in lieu of either World Language or Art/Music) (This class will count as one full block in lieu of either World Language or Art/Music)
Selecting your courses in X2 Enter your requests between March 13 and March Log on to the Student view using your X2 Portal login user ID and password. 2.Click the My Info tab. 3.Click the Requests side-tab. 4.Read and follow the instructions in the Instructions box. 5.In the Primary requests box, select your requests for the different subject areas. 6.Click Select next to the subject and the courses you can request appear. 7.The Status column will show which math course your teacher recommended for you. Please select the level recommended for you. However, you may follow the Placement Review Process before March 22, 2013 and then we will make the change for you. 8.Select the checkbox in the Select column of the course(s) you want to request, and click OK. 9.In the Notes for Counselor box, type any notes to your counselor regarding your requests. However, ing me will result in more timely communication. 10.After you complete your requests, click Post. YOU MUST POST BY MARCH 22 nd.
If you/your parent/your guardian disagree with your math teacher ’ s recommendation you must follow the Placement Review Process Placement Review Process: Please refer to the Program of Studies to see how your teacher determined your math level. If, after reviewing the Program of Studies, you still question the recommendation your parent/guardian should contact the teacher for a discussion. If, after the discussion, the decision is to override the teacher ’ s recommendation, you must obtain a Placement Review Form from the Guidance Office. Please read this document very carefully. The completed Placement Review Form will be due to the Guidance Office by March 22 nd. The parent/guardian/student request will be honored, upon completion of this process, if submitted before March 22 nd.
Can I change my mind??? Please do take this process seriously. You should have an honest talk with your parents about whether you want to take Art, STEM, or Music next year. By selecting your elected courses, you are agreeing to participate in these classes for the entire school year. Changes will not be permitted to your selections after March 22nd. Your guidance counselor will not switch your elected courses in the Fall.
Good Luck!!! Please see Ms. Limmer if you have any questions.