Keystones to Opportunity Grant Utilizing the GRADE Data to Drive Instruction
We want to compare our students to other students to see how they are doing. We want to evaluate the effectiveness of core instruction. We want to identify strengths and weaknesses for individual students/groups. We want to see where students/groups need additional instruction. We want to measure student growth over time. 2 Why GRADE is used:
3 SUMMATIVE DIAGNOSTIC FORMATIVE Three Main Types of Assessment that Inform Practice:
Summative Data: got there” Summative Data: Tells us if students “got there” successfully, once instruction is complete. (unit test, PSSA) Diagnostic Data: Diagnostic Data: Provide a deeper understanding and information that allows us to “zone in” on the right type of instruction and/or supports needed to promote achievement. (reading inventories) Formative data Formative data allows us to: Understand students’ baseline performance & ongoing growth Monitor progress toward successful performance Adjust instruction based on data (DIBELS)
Diagnostic 5 Where does the GRADE Fit Within the Broader Assessment Picture? Formative Summative Data- Based Decision Making
GRADE Philosophy: The Individual Learner Information about an individual’s strengths and needs is the link to the most effective instructional strategies Students are individuals When students fail or fall below a “cut- score,” reasons for failure vary from student to student
Decision Making Guidelines Core instruction should be addressing the majority of students in each skill area. If 1/3 or more of students fall in the below average range for each skill, this should be a priority in the core instructional program.
GRADE Snapshot Eleven test levels Raw scores converted to scores based upon the normal curve Growth scale values (GSVs) for tracking growth over time, which is an essential component of the KtO grant.
Growth Scale Value Tracks students’ growth between tests and across grade levels It is unique to GRADE It allows reading progress to be followed over a period of years because Growth Scale Values include all levels on the same scale.
Level GradeAverage RangeMean M H GRADE Fall Growth Scale Values (GSV)
What information do GRADE reports provide? GRADE STATISTICS CHEAT SHEET 11