Master’s Thesis Defense Presentation October 2014 Examination Committee:
TheRelationship between Critical Thinking Disposition and English Achievement as Mediated by Emotional Intelligence Individual Differences Affective and Cogitive Factors Critical Thinking (CT) : Higher-order thinking skills Higher-oder learning skills Higher level of language proficiency Emotional Intelligence (EI) Contributing factor in creating a proper context for CT Critical Thinking and Emotional Inteligence Social Cognitive Theory
TheRelationship between Critical Thinking Disposition and English Achievement as Mediated by Emotional Intelligence This study is intended to examine the relationship between critical thinking disposition and English learning achievement and to dtermine the mediating role of EI in relationship betwen these two variables.
TheRelationship between Critical Thinking Disposition and English Achievement as Mediated by Emotional Intelligence 1.Is there any significant relationship between third-grade high school student's critical thinking disposition and their English achievement? 2.Does emotional intelligence mediate the relationship between critical thinking disposition and English achievement among third-grade high school students?
TheRelationship between Critical Thinking Disposition and English Achievement as Mediated by Emotional Intelligence Ricketts' Critical Thinking Disposition Scale (Ricketts, 2003) 33 item ; multiple-choice ; Self-report Questionaire Three subscales : Engagement ; Maturity, and Innovativeness The Persian version : Translated and validated by Pakmehr et al. (2013) Reliability Cronbache Alpha.63))Engagement.74)) Maturity.60)) Innovativeness.80))Total reliability
TheRelationship between Critical Thinking Disposition and English Achievement as Mediated by Emotional Intelligence Modified Schutte EI Scale (MSEIS, Austin et al., 2004) 41 item ; multiple-choice; Self-report Questionaire The Persian version : Translated and validated by Bakhshipour et al., (2009) Reliability Cronbache Alpha Total Reliability (.86)
TheRelationship between Critical Thinking Disposition and English Achievement as Mediated by Emotional Intelligence English Language Achievement Test Third-grade English language final exam Includes subtests of spelling, vocabulary, structure, reading comprehension Standardized test prepared by skilled test-makers, its scoring and administration procedure is systematic used to assess one year's learning of the students.
TheRelationship between Critical Thinking Disposition and English Achievement as Mediated by Emotional Intelligence Both descriptive statistics and inferential statistical procedures: Pearson Product Moment Correlation Hierarchical Multiple Regression Analysis
TheRelationship between Critical Thinking Disposition and English Achievement as Mediated by Emotional Intelligence Descriptive Statistics for Participants Level of CT Disposition Descriptive Statistics
TheRelationship between Critical Thinking Disposition and English Achievement as Mediated by Emotional Intelligence Descriptive Statistics for Participants Level of English Achievement
TheRelationship between Critical Thinking Disposition and English Achievement as Mediated by Emotional Intelligence Main Analysis Correlation Box of CT Disposition and English Learning Achievement RQ1 : Critical Thinking Disposition and English Achievement
TheRelationship between Critical Thinking Disposition and English Achievement as Mediated by Emotional Intelligence RQ2: The Mediating Effect of Emotional Intelligence Model Summary of the stepwise regression analysis of EI on CT Disposition
TheRelationship between Critical Thinking Disposition and English Achievement as Mediated by Emotional Intelligence ANOVA for the stepwise regression analysis of EI on CT Disposition
TheRelationship between Critical Thinking Disposition and English Achievement as Mediated by Emotional Intelligence Coefficient Box of the stepwise regression of EI on CT Disposition
Examination of the Relationship between Critical Thinking Disposition and English Achievement as Mediated by Emotional Intelligence On the basis of the findings of the present study some implications may be drawn. For EFL Teachers: shift their teacher-centered classes to learn-centered ones effective use of questions involving students in discussions over challenging and motivating topics
Examination of the Relationship between Critical Thinking Disposition and English Achievement as Mediated by Emotional Intelligence For Iranian educational department : include critical thinking as one of the requirements for the future employment hold in-service training classes to enhance critical thinking skills of the teachers organize personality development programmes for providing training in emotional skills
TheRelationship between Critical Thinking Disposition and English Achievement as Mediated by Emotional Intelligence For syllabus designers and material developers: create lessons that promote critical thinking encourage students to reflect on their progress and take charge of their own learning incorporate activities and practices which stimulate and build features of critical competence
TheRelationship between Critical Thinking Disposition and English Achievement as Mediated by Emotional Intelligence consider participants from other regions examine the interrelationship of other affective and cognitive factors combine quantitative with qualitative research