ETA Environmental Health and Safety Monthly Metrics January, 2015
ETA Accidents- 1/15 TypeDateDept.DescriptionSeverityStatus No ETA accidents reported in January
ETA Accidents- By Type
ETA Accidents- Severity
Emergency Incidents- 1/15 DateIncidentAreaStatus 1/13/15Fire70-264A fire was extinguished by the building fire sprinkler system. Full fire department and Facilities response. Damage to lab area and building electrical panels. Cause is being investigated but focused on a portable radio stored on top of boxes.
Ergonomic Assessments- By Month
Open EETD Ergonomic Assessments Date Requested Dept.TypeStatus 1/16/15BTUSDiscomfortActions Pending 1/14/15ESDRPreventativeActions Pending 1/9/15BTUSDiscomfortActions Pending 12/16/14ESDRMoveActions Pending 12/16/14ESDRPreventativeActions Pending 11/25/14DIVPreventativeActions Pending 11/4/14EAEIDiscomfortActions Pending
ETA Job Hazard Analysis (JHA)- Pending New Hire vs. Expired Metric Started Sep ‘13
Job Hazard Analysis- % Completion
ETA Incomplete Training Assignments * Does not include SEC0203 “External Monitoring” Notice or “FSM” courses
Training % Completion Status
Incomplete Training by Course Type (Total Incomplete Assignments = 91)
Training Assignments Due (Total = 91) Open Assignments by DivisionOpen Assignments by Hire Date
ETA Training Assignments Due
Electrical Equipment Inspection Failure Status (Red Dot) Equipment listed in the EEIP database as “failed” and requires repair prior to use.
ETA Failed Electrical Equipment Status (2/2/15) EquipmentDate Days Failed Dept.AreaStatus Fixture Current Sensor1/9/092215BTUS46-231Unable to locate unit Waveform Generator4/7/111397BTUS46-115Unable to locate unit Dual Seal Vacuum Pump4/27/111377EAEI63-101Unable to locate unit Aethalometer4/28/111376EAEI63-101Unable to locate unit AC Line Conditioner6/6/12971EAEI70-278Power cord needs to be replaced Blower6/11/12966EAEI70-289Power cord needs strain relief Appliance Monitors10/18/12837ESDR Units may never have been built. Request closure. Tracer Emitter Units (Multiple)11/20/12804BTUS70-217Units placed out of service Particle Samplers (multiple units)2/5/13727EAEI71-106Units placed out of service Spark Ignition Unit10/3/13487BTUS70-173Unable to locate unit Residential Furnace10/18/13472BTUS70-173Unit being used for parts Turbine Meter Readout10/21/13469BTUS70-173Unable to locate unit Pressure Transducer Power Supply10/21/13469BTUS70-173Unable to locate unit MFC Pump12/2/13418EAEISactoWaiting for pump to be brought back from field Power Supply #111/7/1487EAEI70-278Uncovered AC terminal strip Power Supply #211/7/1487EAEI70-278Power cord needs replacement Power Supply12/10/1454ESDR70-173Unlanded conductors, ground bond not attached
Safety Concerns Submittals- ETA
ETA Safety Concerns Status #DateConcernTypeStatus 11809/23/14Need steps from B90 shuttle stop up to sidewalk. Uneven surface. Traffic- PedCATS submitted for funding /22/14Poor lighting near B90 stairwaysBuilding Maint. Open- Assigned to Facilities /22/14Trash bin located at B63 is causing damage to exterior water pipe. Also blocking access ramp. Building Maint. Open- Facilities needs to find a new location /23/15Flashing crosswalk on Cyclotron Rd. is not operating properly TrafficOpen- Work request submitted for repair
Corrective Action Reports (CATS)- 1/15 CAT #DateDescriptionLeadStatus 96757/29/14Seismically secure the laser table near the entrance. DOE assessment follow-up item. X. MaoFacilities work request submitted for cost estimate /18/14Improve Chemical Management System (CMS) input in V. BattagliaCMS updated during recent self-assessment. Need to train proxies. Due 10/31/ /9/14Ensure air changes in meet fire code requirements S. SynarskiFacilities work request submitted. Cannot close until FWR is completed by Facilities. Due 11/28/14.
Audits and Inspection Status- 1/15 TypeDateLeadStatus Quarterly SAA Inspections 1/26/15R. ScholtzCompleted JCESR lab area walkthroughs 1/29/15L. McLouthCompleted
SAA Overall Compliance
SAA Issues by Quarter
Cumulative SAA Issues (FY Q1 ’12 – Q2 ‘15)
Significant Safety Achievements- 1/15 Continue set-up of Work Planning and Control (WPC) projects/activities for ESDR. Several hands-on training sessions were organized to assist activity leads in learning how to use Activity Manager. Assisted with immediate follow-up to the B70 fire incident. The quarterly Satellite Accumulation Area (SAA) hazardous waste inspections were completed. The glove box self assessment project has started. A survey was distributed to PI’s and each glove box was surveyed by the assessment team. Data has been collected and is being compiled. The chemical container/sample clean-out of the B62 (Kerr) lab areas continues. I participated in a site visit by the JSCER safety manager. An ETA Safety Alert was distributed regarding collected of flammable solvent waste.
Short Term Safety Outlook- 2/15 Continue the set-up of the Work Planning and Control (WPC) “projects” and “activities” framework for ETA. Additional “hands-on” training classes are planned. We will start finalizing the BTUS activities in February. Complete the Glove Box Operation Self-Assessment project report for submittal. Provide follow-up for findings generated as a result of the B70 fire incident. A final ORPS report will be generated with findings. Continue old chemical/sample clean-outs in , , and Remaining inventory is being updated in the CMS. Assist with the set-up for new lab areas , B33 JCESR, and B60 test chambers.