ECE 447: Course Organization Instructor:Kris Gaj, S&T II, Room 223 Office hours: T, R 4:30-5:30 PM Lab assistants: Thuy-Tien Nguyen (M) Mark Chaney (T) Marcin Rogawski (W, R)
ECE 331 ECE 332 ECE 280 C ECE 445 C ECE 447 C ECE 448 Digital Systems & Computers PHYS 261PHYS 265 or ECE 492 ECE 493 New Curriculum CS 222 CS 367 BS EE BS CpE Color code: C
Digital system design technologies coverage in the CpE & EE programs at GMU Microprocessors & Microcontrollers ASICs FPGAs ECE 445 ECE 447 ECE 586 ECE 681 ECE 448 ECE 511 ECE 611 ECE 431 Computer Organization Single Chip Microcomputers FPGA and ASIC Design with VHDL Digital Circuit Design Microprocessors Advanced Microprocessors Digital Integrated Circuits VLSI Design for ASICs ECE 545 Digital System Design with VHDL ECE 645 Computer Arithmetic
ECE 447: Course Prerequisites Required: 1.Knowledge of computer programming in C or C++, e.g., CS 222 or CS 367 (or former CS 211/CS 320), with a grade of C or better 2.Knowledge of digital system design and computer organization, e.g., ECE 331/332/445, with a grade of C or better Recommended: Programming in assembly language (not required!!)
ECE 447 Team – Division of Tasks Course Instructor – Primary Responsibilities - Lectures - Preparing and grading exams and quizzes - Coordination of work on development of new experiments - Instructions for the lab experiments - Coordination of work done by the TAs - Enforcing consistent policies and grading standards - Mid-semester student satisfaction survey - Resolving conflicts and providing feedback to the TAs - Holding office hours
ECE 447 Team – Division of Tasks Lab Instructors (TAs) – Primary Responsibilities - Teaching hands-on sessions on how to use software, hardware and testing equipment needed for experiments - Introductions to the lab experiments - Grading student demonstrations and reports - Holding office hours - Development and testing of new lab experiments
Course hours Lecture: Tuesday, Thursday 5:55-7:10 PM, Robinson Hall B 201 Lab Sessions: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 7:20-10:00 PM, S&T 2, room 203 There will be no lab meetings in the first week of classes. In the second week of classes, Monday section students are requested to attend one of the other sections. Office Hours of Lab Instructors : TBD and posted on the web
You are welcome to attend any of the multiple office hour sessions Please attend the class meetings of the other section only in case of emergency and give preference in access to the lab computers to the students attending their own section All experiment demonstrations need to be done in the presence of your TA, and can be done exclusively during the class time of your section ECE 447 Section Assignment Rules
ECE 447: Current number of students Monday - 12 Tuesday - 12 Wednesday - 9 Thursday - 11
ECE 447: Course Grading Labs 40% Midterm Exam for the Lab 10% Midterm Exam for the Lecture 10% Quizzes & Homework 15% Final Exam 25%
ECE 447: Course Materials Weekly Lecture Materials PowerPoint presentations, posted on the web - please print BEFORE each class. Supplemental lecture material will be presented on the whiteboard Required Texts: –Kernighan & Ritchie, The C Language –Spasov, Microcontroller Technology Supplementary Materials: –articles –manuals –catalogs –web sites - e.g., on-line catalogs, examples
ECE 447: Exams and Quizzes Midterm Exams: Software problems (C and assembly language) Hardware problems (block diagrams) Short answer Quizzes: ~5-15 minutes 1 or 2 questions on current material Closed books & notes
ECE 447: Motorola 68HC11 Prototyping Board from New Micros, Inc. –MC68HC11 Single-chip Microcomputer –MC68HC24 Port Replacement Unit –64 kbytes Address Space –Serial I/O –Miscellaneous Parallel I/O –Built-in 8 bit A to D –Timers Serial Communication Cable 5V Plug-in Power Supply
ECE 447: Peripheral components Seven segment display MAN-72 Push button switch 12 button X-Y keypad DS1620 Serial temperature sensor 20 x 4 LCD display 74LS244 Octal buffer with 3-state outputs 74LS245 Octal bus transceiver 74C key encoder 10 Kohm potentiometer
ECE 447: Lab development kit Lab development kit to be purchased by each student from Sue Davies, S&T 1, room 120D, using Mason Money only Available in about one to two weeks Cost TBD
ECE 447: THRSim11 Software Development Environment THRSim11 v5.22c, by Harry Broeders –Includes gnu based C cross-compiler, cross- assembler, simulator, and debugger for Windows PCs. –Available for student use in FPGA lab, S&T II, room 203. –Available for student download for free. –Licensed by GMU for academic use only –License and download instructions available on the ECE 447 web page (up soon).
ECE 447: Hardware Labratory Several structured lab lectures and lab assignments during the semester. Devoted to the introduction of major functional units of MC68HC11 and several peripheral components (7-segment display, keypad, LCD, etc.) Taught by Lab Instructors, in S&T II, Room 203, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, and Thursday 7:20 to 10:00pm.
ECE 447: Challenging and Rewarding Breadth of knowledge –Software (C, assembly language, interrupts, polling, etc.) –Hardware (microprocessor, peripheral devices, address decoding, parallel I/O, serial communication, A to D) –Interfacing Hardware and Software together Practical Skills –Understanding component specifications –Laying out & mounting components –Debugging Hardware and Software Time Management