ECE 355 Introduction to Computer Networks and Data Communications Sachin Shetty Electrical and Computer Engineering Department Old Dominion University Monday Aug 27, 2007
Course Overview Course Description and Objectives Prerequisite Textbooks Lecture Slides Course Activities and Grading Course Websites Tentative Course Outline
Course Description and Objectives ECE 355 is a one-semester introduction to computer networking and data communication theory and applications On completion of the course, students will be able to demonstrate a clear understanding of the: Understand a broad range of computer networks and data communication technologies. Be equipped with the basic knowledge of data communications fundamentals, which are critical for designing, selecting, and integrating these network technologies. Understand circuit switching and packet switching technologies and their pros and cons with respect to different traffic types. Be able to calculate transmission, propagation, and queueing delays. Understand the meaning and power of a layered architectural model. Be able to apply and implement different types of addressing and routing techniques. Understand major network performance issues.
Prerequisite ECE 304 or an equivalent math or statistics course covering basic probability theory
Textbook Required Reference “Computer Networking”, 4/e, James F. Kurose, Keith W. Ross, Addison Wesley, 2007 Reference Computer Networks (4th edition ), Andrew S.Tanenbaum, Prentice Hall, 2003
Lecture Slides and Other Material Lecture Slides will be uploaded on the blackboard at least 2 hours before class starts Homework and Lab handouts will also be uploaded on the blackboard
Course Activities and Grading Lectures – Theoretical Foundations and Background Homework – Assignments to exercise knowledge gained from recent class material Lab – Two Assignments. To be done individually Quizzes Midterm Exam Final Exam - Material covered after Midterm Exam Grading Homework - 20% 2 Lab Assignments - 10% Quizzes - 20% 1 Midterm - 20% 1 Final - 30%
Course Websites Course: Textbook: Textbook:
Tentative Course Outline Part 1: Introduction (2 Weeks, text: Chapter 1) What is the Internet? Network edge end systems, access networks, links Network core circuit switching, packet switching, network structure Delay, loss and throughput in packet-switched networks Protocol layers, service models
A top down Approach We’ll cover networking top-down end-system applications, end-end transport network core: routing, hooking nets together link-level protocols, e.g., Ethernet
Tentative Course Outline Part 2: Application Layer (3 Weeks, text: Chapter 2) principles of application-layer protocols World Wide Web: HTTP electronic mail in the Internet the Internet's directory service: DNS Midterm Exam (Tentative Date – October 10)
Tentative Course Outline Part 3: Transport Layer (1 Week, text: Chapter 3) Transport-layer services Multiplexing and demultiplexing Connectionless transport: UDP Principles of reliable data transfer
Tentative Course Outline Part 4: Network Layer (3 Weeks, text: Chapter 4) introduction and network service model routing principles (algorithms) IP: the Internet Protocol Internet routing: RIP
Tentative Course Outline Part 5: Link Layer, LANs (3 Weeks, text: Chapter 5) introduction, services error detection, correction multiple access protocols, LANs LAN addresses, ARP Ethernet
Tentative Course Outline Part 6: Wireless and Mobile Networks (1 Week, text: Chapter 6) wireless link characteristics the wireless link: 802.11 cellular Internet access mobility principles mobility in practice: mobile IP mobility in cellular networks
The course is an introduction to networking concepts an overview of several aspects of computer networking (breadth) mostly theoretical some hands-on training
The course is NOT an in-depth study of any particular aspect of computer networking a network administration course a certification course a programming course