Oregon Community College ECE Articulation Laurie Potts, Evelyn Roth, & Christyn Dundorf
Articulation Agenda Warm Up Information RTT Scholarship OCCD Barrier Data Definitions Links to state initiatives Genius system NAEYC Standards as an organizing principle Characteristics of “Statewide Certificates” Quick Break Group Work Institutional changes that might support credential demand Barrier busting Articulate-able core Identify 30-credit credential coursework
A lower division undergraduate award that is intended to prepare graduates for direct entry into the workforce. AAS degrees may also help to prepare students for career advancement, occupational licensure, or further study at the baccalaureate level. ---State of Oregon Definition AAS Degree A recognition awarded by a community college for meeting minimum occupational course, curriculum or proficiency requirements. Must be state-approved, have a defined job entry point, represent collegiate-level work, and meet Higher Education Coordinating Commission standards and criteria. ---State of Oregon Definition Certificate An umbrella term for degrees, diplomas, certificates, licensure, badges, and so forth. A recognized credential is either required or valued in the field or job market. --- Alison Lutton, Personal Communication Credential DEFINITIONS
Why 30 Credits?
Possible Sources… Lutton (2013). Young Children Article. Oregon Office of Child Care qualification requirement options for Head Teachers, Teachers, and Certified Family Child Care Providers. Roni Pham, OCC – How can we create achievable CC credentials that encourage providers/practitioners to transition into the college system? Oregon Registry, Step 8 Interestingly, not specified in RTT application.
A Continuum of Articulation Currently: Transcription of CDA and Oregon Registry Step 7. Articulate-able Core: Participating colleges organize & articulate based on NAEYC standards with minimum 21 credits. Statewide 30(ish) Credit Certificate Degree of “Articulation”
Articulate-able Core Could help address specialized workforce needs CORE Home Visitor Dual Lang PreK IT EI/ECSE
How It COULD Look… If Statewide Certificate was credit flexible. ARTICULATABLE CORE At Least 3 Credits in each NAEYC Standard. 3 Credits x 7 Standards = 21 Credits No more than 14 additional Specialization or Focus Credits. 30 – 35 Articulate-able Credits
PCC Example 4 Credits 3 Credits 4 Credits 3 Credits 5 Credits 3 Credits 26 Core Credits 3 credits Anti- bias Focus + 5 credits Practicum 2 8 Focus Credits 34 Credits
But My Student Needs A Home Visitor Focus… 4 Credits 3 Credits 4 Credits 3 Credits 5 Credits 3 Credits 26 Core Credits 8 Credits from SWOCC 34 Credits
My Student Arrives with a CDA CDA 4 Credits CDA CDA, 3 credits CDA 3 credits Anti- bias Focus + 5 credits Practicum 2 8 Focus Credits 31 Credits 23 Core Credits
Articulatable Principles All NAEYC Standards addressed. Colleges demonstrate that the CORE in total meet all Standards and Key Elements. We would collectively trust that students have built a sufficient knowledge base in core (+ focus) to successfully progress to AAS level regardless of where core completed. Colleges could create single or multiple areas of focus. Colleges could work with students who needed a particular area of focus to transfer in course work within the core + focus structure.
Key Questions Can a statewide certificate have a variable credit total? Does a statewide certificate require common course naming/numbering? Should STEP 8 be the focus of this effort with increased CC articulation of Core and maintaining existing certificates?