OUTLINE Introduction Scratch pad memory Cache memory Proposed methodology Results Conclusions 04/09/ Spring 2010, EEL 6935, Embedded Systems
INTRODUCTION Scratch pad memory Cache memory Proposed methodology Results Conclusions 04/09/ Spring 2010, EEL 6935, Embedded Systems
INTRODUCTION Scratch pad memory: A high speed internal memory used for temporary storage of calculations, data and other work in progress. It is next closest memory to the ALU after the internal registers. Scratch pad based systems have NUMA(Non-Uniform Memory Access) latencies, and use explicit instructions to move data. DMA based data transfer is often used. On chip caches using SRAM consume power in the range of 25% to 45% of the total chip power Current embedded processors for multimedia applications have on-chip scratch pad memories 04/09/ Spring 2010, EEL 6935, Embedded Systems
INTRODUCTION Scratchpad vs. Cache: A scratchpad doesn’t contain a copy of data that is stored in the main memory. Scratchpad memory is directly manipulated by applications. In cache memory systems mapping of program elements is done during runtime, in scratch pad memory systems it is done either by the user or by the compiler using a suitable algorithm Prior studies on scratch pad memories do not address the impact on area 04/09/ Spring 2010, EEL 6935, Embedded Systems
CONTRIBUTIONS The paper proposes scratchpad memory as an alternative to cache memory as on-chip memory for computationally intensive applications. CACTI tool is used for computing area and energy for AT91M40400 target architecture. The results establish scratchpad memory as a low power alternative in most situations with an average energy reduction of 40% 04/09/ Spring 2010, EEL 6935, Embedded Systems
Introduction SCRATCH PAD MEMORY Cache memory Proposed methodology Results Conclusions 04/09/ Spring 2010, EEL 6935, Embedded Systems
SCRATCH PAD MEMORY 04/09/2010 Spring 2010, EEL 6935, Embedded Systems 8 Memory array with the decoding and the column circuitry logic Memory objects are mapped to the scratch pad in the last stage of the compiler It occupies one distant part of the memory address space. No need to check for data/instr. availability in the scratch pad Reduces the comparator and the signal miss/hit acknowledging circuitry Figure: Scratch Memory Array 6 Transistor Static RAM Memory Array Memory Cell
SCRATCH PAD MEMORY Area of scratchpad, A s A s = A sde + A sda + A sco + A spr + A sse + A sou Energy Consumption is estimated from the energy consumption of the components E scratchpad = E decoder + E memcol Components: Data decoder, data array area, column multiplexers, pre charge circuit, data sense amplifiers, output driver circuitry Memory array is the major consumer of energy CACTI tool first computes the capacitances for each unit then estimates the energy 04/09/ Spring 2010, EEL 6935, Embedded Systems
ESTIMATING THE ENERGY CONSUMPTION For the memory array: E memcol = C memcol * V dd 2 * P 0->1 C memcol is the capacitance of the memory array unit and is calculated as C memcol = ncols * (C pre + C readwrite ) P 0->1 is the probability of bit toggle, 0.5 Only two word lines are switched regardless of the change in the address bits Total energy spent in the scratch pad memory is E sptotal = SP access * E scratchpad The only case that holds good is read or write access 04/09/ Spring 2010, EEL 6935, Embedded Systems
Introduction Scratch pad memory CACHE MEMORY Proposed methodology Results Conclusions 04/09/ Spring 2010, EEL 6935, Embedded Systems
CACHE MEMORY 04/09/2010 Spring 2010, EEL 6935, Embedded Systems 12 Area model is based on the transistor count in the circuitry Area of the cache, A c = A tag + A data where A tag = A dt + A ta + A co + A pr + A se + A com + A mu and A data = A de + A da + A col + A pre + A sen + A out Figure: Cache Memory Organization Tag Array Data Array
Introduction Scratch pad memory Cache memory PROPOSED METHODOLOGY Results Conclusions 04/09/ Spring 2010, EEL 6935, Embedded Systems
EXPERIMENTAL SETUP Compare same size cache with scratchpad memory (the delay of cache is higher than scratchpad for the same technology) Identification and Assignment of critical data structures to scratch pad in based on a packing algorithm Total number of clock cycles determines the performance Larger the number of clock cycles, lower the performance because on-chip configuration doesn’t change the clock period 04/09/ Spring 2010, EEL 6935, Embedded Systems
SCRATCH PAD MEMORY ACCESS Performance estimation from the trace file. An appropriate latency is added to the overall program delay on scratchpad access: one for scratch pad read/write access, one cycle and one wait cycle for 16 bit main memory access, one cycle plus three wait states for main memory 32 bit access 04/09/ Spring 2010, EEL 6935, Embedded Systems AccessNumber of Cycles CacheUsing Cache calculations Scratch Pad1 cycle Main memory 16 bit1 cycle + 1 wait cycle Main memory 32 bit1 cycle + 1 wait cycle
CACHE MEMORY ACCESS Authors assume a write through cache Read Hit: Tag array is accessed. No write to cache and no access to main memory Read Miss: One cache read operation, L (line size) words written to cache. One main memory read event of size L and no main memory write Write Hit: Cache write followed by memory write Write Miss: One cache tag read and main memory write. No cache update. 04/09/ Spring 2010, EEL 6935, Embedded Systems Access type Ca read Ca write Mm read Mm write Read hit1000 Read miss1LL0 Write hit0101 Write miss1001
C Benchmark Mapping Algorithm CACTI Cache/Scratch Pad Size Cache Number of Cycles Cache Number of Cycles Scratchpad Number of cycles Scratchpad Number of cycles Trace Analysis Energy Aware Compiler ARMulator trace analysis FLOW DIAGRAM 04/09/ Spring 2010, EEL 6935, Embedded Systems Analytical model Energy Estimates Area Estimates Compiler Support
EXPERIMENTAL SETUP Target architecture: AT91M40400, based on embedded ARM 7TDMI embedded processor High performance RSIC processor with a very low power consumption On-chip scratch memory of 4KB. 32 bit data path and two instruction sets. encc – energy aware complier, uses a special packing algorithm- knapsack algorithm for assigning code and data blocks to the scratch pad memory The binary output of the compiler is simulated on the ARMulator to produce a trace file. ARMulator accepts the cache size as a parameter for on-chip cache configuration and generates the performance as number of cycles. The area and performance estimates are made for the 0.5um technology 04/09/ Spring 2010, EEL 6935, Embedded Systems
Introduction Scratch pad memory Cache memory Proposed methodologyRESULTS Conclusions 04/09/ Spring 2010, EEL 6935, Embedded Systems
RESULTS 04/09/ Spring 2010, EEL 6935, Embedded Systems Cache per access(2kB)4.57 nJ Scratch pad per access(2kB)1.53 nJ Main memory read access, 2 bytes24.00 nJ Main memory read access, 4 bytes49.30 nJ Main memory write access, 4 bytes41.10 nJ Size BytesArea Cache Area Scratchpad CPU cycles Cache CPU cycles, Scratchpad Area reduction Time reduction Area-time product Average Table: Energy per access of various devices Table: Area/Performance ratios for bubble-sort The average area, time and AT product reductions are 34% 18% and 46%
RESULTS 04/09/2010 Spring 2010, EEL 6935, Embedded Systems 21 Figure: Energy consumed by the memory system Figure: Comparison of cache and scratch pad memory area
Introduction Scratch pad memory Cache memory Proposed methodology ResultsCONCLUSION 04/09/ Spring 2010, EEL 6935, Embedded Systems
CONCLUSION Presents an approach for selection of on-chip memory configurations Results show that scratch pad based compile time memory outperforms cache-based run-time memory on almost counts. 40% average reduction for the application considered Authors propose study of DRAM based memory comparisons since memory bandwidth and on-chip memory capacity are limiting factors for many applications. Also, the energy models for both cache and scratchpad need to be validated by real measurements 04/09/ Spring 2010, EEL 6935, Embedded Systems
QUESTIONS 04/09/ Spring 2010, EEL 6935, Embedded Systems