Noise Management Division October 2, LAX Noise Mitigation Measures A Community Perspective Presented by Robert B. Holden LAX/Community Noise Roundtable Coordinator The American Association of Airport Executives Sixth Annual Airport Noise Mitigation Symposium Boston, MA Los Angeles International Airport Community Noise Roundtable
Noise Management Division October 2, Los Angeles International Airport Community Noise Roundtable
Noise Management Division October 2, Los Angeles International Airport Community Noise Roundtable
Noise Management Division October 2, Los Angeles International Airport Community Noise Roundtable Created in September 2000 LAWA Community Improvement Initiative Funded and Staffed by LAWA Work Done According to a Formal Work Program Walt Gillfillan is the Roundtable’s Facilitator
Noise Management Division October 2, Los Angeles International Airport Community Noise Roundtable Roundtable Membership Cities of El Segundo, Inglewood, Hawthorne, Hermosa Beach, Manhattan Beach, Redondo Beach, Torrance, Rancho Palos Verdes, Palos Verdes Estates, and Monterey Park Los Angeles County Supervisor Don Knabe Congress Members Dana Rhorabacher, Maxine Waters, and Jane Harman LAX AAC and Three Community Groups Federal Aviation Administration LAWA Management
Noise Management Division October 2, Los Angeles International Airport Community Noise Roundtable
Noise Management Division October 2, Los Angeles International Airport Community Noise Roundtable Roundtable Work Program Noise Mitigation Measures LAX Part 161 Study LAX Noise Monitoring System Replacement Project HOLTZ RNAV Departure Procedure Tightened LOOP Departure Procedure No Easements for Sound Insulation Evaluate 60dB Noise Contour for Noise Mitigation Eligibility
Noise Management Division October 2, Los Angeles International Airport Community Noise Roundtable LAX Part 161 Study
Noise Management Division October 2, Los Angeles International Airport Community Noise Roundtable LAX Noise Monitoring System Siting Workshop Results
Noise Management Division October 2, Los Angeles International Airport Community Noise Roundtable HOLTZ SEVEN RNAV DEPARTURE PROCEDURE
Noise Management Division October 2, Los Angeles International Airport Community Noise Roundtable LAX LOOP DEPARTURE
Noise Management Division October 2, Los Angeles International Airport Community Noise Roundtable No Easements for Sound Insulation Not accomplished by Roundtable but agreed to by LAWA in LAX Master Plan Lawsuit settlement agreement and in Community Benefits Agreement Several Roundtable Members were plaintiffs in the lawsuit Evaluate 60dB Noise Contour for Noise Mitigation Eligibility Dependent on NMS Replacement & Expansion Will require a new Part 150 Study
Noise Management Division October 2, Los Angeles International Airport Community Noise Roundtable For further information on the LAX/Community Noise Roundtable please contact: Robert B. Holden, Roundtable Coordinator Los Angeles World Airports Noise Management Division 1 World Way, P.O. Box Los Angeles, CA Phone: (310) ext Fax: (310) LAX Roundtable on the web at
Noise Management Division October 2, Los Angeles International Airport Community Noise Roundtable Thank You
Noise Management Division October 2, Los Angeles International Airport Community Noise Roundtable