1 Roundtable Meeting on Programme for the 2010 Round of Censuses of Agriculture Bangkok, Thailand, 28 November- 2 December, 2005 Collecting gender sensitive data from agricultural census of VietNam Presentation by Luu Van Vinh Deputy Director Department of Agricultural, Forestry and Fishery Statistics General Statistics office of VietNam
2 Contents of presentation Part I: A technical summary of the last ACPart I: A technical summary of the last AC Part II: Gender data collection in the last ACPart II: Gender data collection in the last AC Part III:The changes in gender data collection in next censusPart III:The changes in gender data collection in next census
3 Part I A technical summary of the last AC
4 History of the past ACs The first AC conducted in 1994 with coverage Rural and Agricultural censusThe first AC conducted in 1994 with coverage Rural and Agricultural census –Completed enumeration : 12 mills questionnaires The second AC conducted in 2001 to collect data on:The second AC conducted in 2001 to collect data on: 1.Agriculture sector including forestry, fishery sector (aquaculture and capture),cooperatives and enterprises 2.Rural information (community_ level data) 3.Rural Household economic structure in_depth study on
5 1. Agricultural and fishery sector Coverage: this is complete enumerationCoverage: this is complete enumeration –All HHs resident in rural area regardless economic activities –Urban households engaging in agriculture, forestry, fishery –All commercial farms (cut_off point on total land used or number livestock, poultry and value of sales) –All cooperative and enterprises engages in AFF Items involvedItems involved –Population and labor and main economic activities and income resource of households –Age, sex, education, primary economic activities of household member
6 1. Agricultural and fishery sector (cont.) Items involved ( cont)Items involved ( cont) –Agricultural, forestry and water surface for aquaculture –Cage fishery –Permanent crop area –Livestock and poultry –Machinery and equipment –Capital, investment, tax, production value. income of commercial farms
7 2. Rural information Coverage: All lowest administrative units (communes, some items collected at village level)Coverage: All lowest administrative units (communes, some items collected at village level) Items involvedItems involved –Location –Access to government services such as electricity, clean water, credit, television, radio, communication, health care, irrigation, schooling, transportation,…. –Household without land by causes –The households under poverty lines and their production facilities… –Availabilities of cooperative and enterprise services
8 3. Household economy Coverage : sampling survey at 1% Hhs selected in all provincesCoverage : sampling survey at 1% Hhs selected in all provinces Data estimation at provincial and national levelData estimation at provincial and national level Items involved :Items involved : –Living environment, water recourse, sanitation, Durable applicant –Population, labor, major production activity –Total revenue by sector and sub_sector Agriculture (crop, livestock and poultry ) Fishery (Aquaculture and catching) Forestry … Non_ Agriculture ( industry, transportation, trade, services…) –Development investment and savings
9 Part II Gender data collection in the last AC
10 Role of women in rural and agriculture In Vietnam 76% of the population lives in rural areas and more than 70% of the labor is engaged in agriculture 95% (20 million) rural women work in agriculture. They do –90% the work of crop cultivation –60% the work of harvesting and seeding –70% the work of livestock feeding and processing rural 60% outcome of Vietnam’s agricultural production depend on the services of women
11 Gender data collected in census Household member in laboring age but able to work was collected in detail on –Age, Sex –Education, Occupation trained level –Primary economic activity –Secondary economic activities Female-owned commercial farms and their operation was collected
12 Gender data collected in census (count.) Information on sex, age, education and occupation training of women who took an important leading position of local government in commune level was collected However some variables by sex was omitted –Holder –Employment operated in commercial farm, in cooperative Sub_holder and sub_holding by sex was unknown
13 Gender data limitation Gender statistics also was a fresh activities Gender statistics also involved in 2001 census, but not to much This is one of biggest limitation that was found by data user in their analysis on role of women in rural agricultural and fishery sector in Vietnam The issue of gender analysis from census data was not concerned just as phases of census preparation Not all variable that could be classified by sex was designed in the census questionnaires
14 Part III The changes in gender data collection in next census
15 Gender data collection in next census and surveys In keeping with the Goal 3 of the MDGs,VietNam Government has developed a policy on women in rural, agricultural and fishery sector, Followed up, General Statistics Office of Viet Nam had a new plan in gender statistic in both census and annual survey Goal of this plan:providing data users with data all variables that could be classified by men and women and by sectors and sub_sectors.
16 Solutions Gender is collected in very census and survey conducted by GSO and other institutionGender is collected in very census and survey conducted by GSO and other institution Therefore all questionnaire of annual survey issued by GSO was/is re_designedTherefore all questionnaire of annual survey issued by GSO was/is re_designed Data on household level not only by sex but also by ethnic group.Data on household level not only by sex but also by ethnic group. The variable by sex that omitted from the 2001 census is added in the 2006 census such as holder, employment in commercial farm and in co operativeThe variable by sex that omitted from the 2001 census is added in the 2006 census such as holder, employment in commercial farm and in co operative
17 Solutions (cont.) Gender data on sub_sector and on sub_holder is collected in sample survey:Gender data on sub_sector and on sub_holder is collected in sample survey: –Crop yield and production, –Livestock and poultry, fishery production Data will be tabulated by sex separately in data processing and tabulation planning to make it more convenient for data usersData will be tabulated by sex separately in data processing and tabulation planning to make it more convenient for data users Raw database by sex also is available for subject_mater analysis and special gender survey in futureRaw database by sex also is available for subject_mater analysis and special gender survey in future
18 Thank you very much for your attention Any more information, kindly contact me at