Center for Policy on Emerging Technology Dan Caprio, Senior Strategic Advisor, McKenna Long & Aldridge July 28, 2011 Roundtable on the Internet of Things
A collection of interconnected but local and private networks connected to the Internet A vision supporting networked services, systems and devices supporting business activities, societal benefits (e.g. the smarter planet and smarter grid), and personal life The “Internet of Things” 2
There is no clear understanding of how the IoT will develop Privacy is cultural Need to protect privacy and enable innovation Importance of the transatlantic dialogue Our approach needs to be horizontal in nature Move away from slogans such as the “right to be forgotten” and the “right to the silence of the chips” Privacy 4
The Commission formed a formal IoT expert group last year Divided into six sub-groups: 1.IDENTIFICATION 2.PRIVACY & SECURITY 3. ETHICS 4. ARCHITECTURE 5. STANDARDS 6.GOVERNANCE EU IoT Formal Expert Group 5
Conclude working group reports by the end of the year Begin a public consultation early next year Prepare an impact assessment by July 2012 Most likely outcome of the impact assessment will be a Commission recommendation in early 2013 based on a mixture of self-regulation (identification) co-regulation (privacy and ethics) and standardization (governance) Next Steps for the IoT Expert Group 6
How will the principles of notice and choice apply? What does transparency mean? Access is difficult if there is not a direct interaction How do we incorporate privacy by design? Can industry self regulation work? Challenges 7