CANADA’S PLATFORM FOR DISASTER RISK REDUCTION National Roundtable on Disaster Risk Reduction Fredericton, New Brunswick OCTOBER 26, 2010.


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Presentation transcript:

CANADA’S PLATFORM FOR DISASTER RISK REDUCTION National Roundtable on Disaster Risk Reduction Fredericton, New Brunswick OCTOBER 26, 2010

1 Purpose ● To provide context for the development of Canada’s Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction. ● To provide the background, vision, objectives, and structure of Canada’s Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction.

2 Canada Hazard Environment

3 Risks in Canada




7 Background ● Disaster risk reduction is the minimizing of vulnerabilities and disaster risks in order to avoid or to limit adverse impacts and facilitate sustainable development. ● In 2005, 168 Governments, including Canada, adopted the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA) under the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction.

8 What is a National Platform? ● Multi-stakeholder framework. ● Coordinated, participatory, and interactive process. ● Promotes disaster risk reduction across all sectors. ● Utilizes new and existing mechanisms building on areas of common interest.

9 Vision for Canada’s Platform A safer and more resilient Canada through the reduction of risks and leveraging of capacities and opportunities across all levels of government, non- governmental organizations, private and academic sectors, and the general public.

10 Objectives for Canada’s Platform 1.Works in an integrated manner to reduce the risk, vulnerability and impacts of natural and non-natural disasters to Canadians. 2.Provides a coordinated mechanism for cooperation and information sharing between sectors and existing networks. 3.Supports stakeholders with relevant policy, program and research information at local, regional and national levels.

11 How We Got Here ● Broad consultations over 12 months with governments, civil society, non-governmental organizations, academics, and the private sector.

12 Governance Structure Advisory Committee composed of representatives from Engagement Fora; co- chaired by PS and a rotating chair. Activity – includes broad membership from Engagement fora and any other interested DRR stakeholders. Engagement fora (includes Senior Officials Responsible for Emergency Management, Domestic Group on Emergency Management, Canadian Risk and Hazards Network, Director General Emergency Management Policy Committee and Critical Infrastructure Cross Sector Forum). Rotating Chair PS Chair Working Groups

13 Advisory Committee 6 permanent positions 1.Public Safety Canada; 2.PT Senior Officials Responsible for Emergency Management; 3.Domestic Group on Emergency Management; 4.Federal Directors General Emergency Management Committee; 5.Canadian Risks and Hazards Network; and 6.Critical Infrastructure Cross Sector Network. 3 rotating members ● Elected by the General Membership every 2 years (to be elected this afternoon).

14 Canada’s Platform Secretariat ● Housed within Public Safety Canada. ● Supports the ongoing activities of the Advisory Committee and the National Roundtable. ● Responsible for ongoing UN/ISDR Hyogo Framework for Action reporting requirements. ● Secretariat ● Webpage: ­ (EN) ­ (FR)

15 General Membership ● Stakeholders may participate through existing engagement fora (e.g. CRHNet; SOREM), or through individual membership. ● Annual National Roundtable brings together the General Membership. ● General Membership elects 3 members to sit on Advisory Committee (every 2 years).

16 Working Groups ● Platform members can assemble Platform related Working Groups at any level based on specific issues or priority activities. ● Composition of each Working Group is determined by the task/issue at hand; Terms of Reference to be developed for each Working Group. ● All Working Groups must be connected to Canada’s Platform via an Advisory Committee sponsor.

17 Annual National Roundtable

18 Today’s Objectives Launch Canada’s Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction to: 1. Discuss the vision for Canada’s Platform, identify key priorities for action and areas for collaboration; 2. Enable inclusive, horizontal and participatory dialogue with disaster risk reduction stakeholders across Canada; and 3. To identify and confirm Canada’s Platform Advisory Committee.

19 Moving Forward

20 Thank you!