Luncheon Basics The luncheon will be held Saturday, April 21, 12:00-2:00 p.m., at the Westin Boston Waterfront Hotel, Grand Ballroom AB (concourse level), 425 Summer Street, Boston, Mass
Luncheon Basics (cont’d.) There will be a brief, mandatory rehearsal for reps accepting their district’s Grand Prize or First Place award (plaque) during the luncheon ceremony at 11:00 a.m., Saturday, April 21, in the Grand Ballroom AB of the Westin Boston Waterfront Hotel. Please have the person accepting your district’s award during the luncheon ceremony come inside the room to meet Kathleen Vail, Christine Tschampel, or Glenn Cook. Honorable Mention recipients do not attend this rehearsal.
Luncheon Basics (cont’d.) A photographer will be available to take pictures of the Magna honorees from 11:15-11:45 a.m. These will be available on the ASBJ Facebook page the morning of Sunday, April The doors will not open for all until 11:45 a.m. The luncheon will begin at 12:00 p.m. and end at 2:00 p.m.
Your Magna Program At the luncheon, a representative from each of the Magna 2012 grand prize, first place, and honorable mention districts (Roundtable Discussion Leaders) will have a chance to lead roundtable discussions, share their district’s Magna program, and help facilitate the conversation about the topic that their Magna program focuses on—i.e., dropout prevention, etc. This will be a chance for you— the Magna winner—to share the obstacles you overcame, results of the program, and any other pertinent information you feel is necessary to help fellow school board members learn how your program succeeded.
Your Magna Program (cont’d.) Remember—receiving the Magna Award is recognition that you have created one of the “best practice” programs in the nation, and other school board members are eager to learn from you.
Luncheon Agenda A photographer will be available to take pictures of the Magna Awards honorees from 11:15-11:45 a.m. Luncheon attendees can take their seats at the tables at 11:45 a.m. You will be seated at a home table with members of districts whose Magna programs fall under the same topic as yours – i.e., Dropout Prevention, Health and Wellness. (Once seated, you are welcome to begin eating your salad and salsa and tortilla chip appetizer at once.)
Luncheon Agenda (cont’d.) The luncheon main course will be served, and Session One of district roundtables will begin, with attendees casually discussing their programs with their tablemates. As the luncheon main course is wrapping up, plaques will be presented to the Magna Grand Prize and First Place winners by enrollment category. (Honorable Mention recipients receive their certificates by mail prior to the luncheon.)
Luncheon Agenda (cont’d.) Eleven-year-old Tulsa student Chef Remmi, Sodexo’s Official Student Ambassador to Health and Nutrition, will present her best practices for getting kids to learn about and eat nutritious food, and will prepare a strawberry salsa and tortilla chips appetizer. After the main course, Roundtable Discussion Leaders will remain at their home tables to facilitate a discussion with new participants. Others will choose a new roundtable to join. Session Two of the district roundtables will begin – minutes long.
Luncheon Agenda (cont’d.) Dessert will be made available between Session Two and Session Three. Session Three of the district roundtables will begin – minutes long. Luncheon emcee and NSBA Immediate Past President Earl C. Rickman III will be moving around the room with a mic to ask participants what they have learned. Luncheon concludes.
Preparing to be a Roundtable Discussion Leader One person from your district’s party whom you designate as your district’s Roundtable Discussion Leader should be prepared to give a 1 minute overview of your program and lead discussions about your district’s program during roundtable Sessions. You are welcome to bring business cards to exchange with others at the luncheon if you would like.
District Roundtables Your designated roundtable leader will be at a table that discusses the topic that your program overcame – dropout prevention, bullying, etc. Other members of your district will be placed at various tables to meet new colleagues, network and learn about what other school districts are doing. The person designated as your district’s Roundtable Discussion Leader will remain at their table to lead new discussions through all three sessions. Luncheon attendees who are not the roundtable leaders are free to move about the session tables during sessions to network and learn about winning programs.
District Roundtables—Session One Session One will begin when the main course is served, with attendees casually discussing their programs with their table mates. Roundtable Discussion Leaders will lead these discussions.
District Roundtables—Session Two After the main course, Roundtable Discussion Leaders will remain at their tables to start a new discussion with new attendees, and participants who are not a roundtable leader can move to other tables to learn about other Magna programs. Session Two of the district roundtables will begin—10-12 minutes long.
District Roundtables—Session Three Dessert will be made available as participants leave their Session Two tables and move on to a table for Session Three. Session Three of the district roundtables will begin—10-12 minutes long.
Luncheon Ends Luncheon emcee and NSBA Immediate Past President Earl C. Rickman III will be moving around the room with a mic to ask participants what they have learned. The Best Practices for School Leaders Luncheon concludes.
Photos A photographer will be taking pictures from 11:15-11:45 a.m. These will be available on the ASBJ Facebook page the morning of Sunday, April 22.
Other Magna & ASBJ Events at Conference The Power of Partnership and the Rural Brain Drain Presented by American School Board Journal Saturday, April 21, 8:30-9:45 a.m. Rural and Small District Workshop NA/TLN Central Boston Convention & Exhibition Center, 253B General Session presentation to Grand Prize winners, and Magna video Sunday, April 21, 10:00-11:30 a.m. Hall B Boston Convention and Exhibition Center
Questions? Please contact Margaret Suslick