IAEG Meeting on Gender and MDGs Cairo, September 2007 Engendering Statistics: An overview of accomplishments Neda Jafar Statistics Division ESCWA
2 Contents Introduction to Gender Statistics Engendering Statistics - Global level Engendering Statistics - Regional level Engendering Statistical - National level Future Action
3 A wide range of initiatives and activities have been undertaken at the national, regional and international level regarding the development and application of gender indicators. 3
4 Why gender statistics? Factual basis for all stages of policy making: planning, budgeting, implementation, monitoring, reporting and evaluation: Shed light on priority gender issues and gender gaps Set targets and benchmarks Track progress
5 International frameworks Beijing Platform for Action Strategic objective H.3. “Generate and disseminate gender- disaggregated data and information for planning and evaluation” Fourth World Conference on Women (Beijing, September 1995)
6 By whom? Fundamentally the responsibility of national statistical offices and line ministries UN can advocate: – produce and use sex-disaggregated data and gender-sensitive indicators, – assist in the development of standards, concepts and definitions; – provide capacity building in data collection, analysis and presentation Beijing Platform for Action, Strategic objective H.3.
7 And for whom? Ultimately to meet the information needs of a wide range of users: Policy and decision makers, academia Research centers Think tanks Private sector Media General public
8 Key partners UNSD, RCs, UN specialized agencies, Tasks Forces & Expert Groups LAS CAWTAR CREDIF Others NSOs Line Ministries Civil Society Organizations
9 Focus of work on gender statistics Evaluating and improving definitions, concepts, methods Improving skills in data production, analysis and dissemination Manuals, guidelines & handbooks Training workshops & study visits Tasks Forces/Expert Groups Intl. organizations Gender Units in CSOs Assisting in data compilation, analysis and dissemination Reports & publications on women and men
10 Technical materials Statistical reports and publications Global gender statistics programmes 10 Engendering Statistics – Global Level
11 UNSD Technical Materials Compiling Social Indicators on the Situation of Women (1984) Concepts and Methods for Improving Statistics on the Situation of Women (1984) Improving Statistics and Indicators on Women Using Household Surveys (1988) Training Users and Producers in Compiling Statistics and Indicators on Women and Development (1987) Handbook for the Development of National Statistical Databases on Women and Development (1989) Methods of Measuring Women's Participation in the Informal Sector (1990) Methods of Measuring Women's Economic Activity- Technical Report, (1993) Handbook for Producing National Statistical Reports on Women and Men (1997) Women's Indicators and Statistics Database (Wistat), version 4 on CD-ROM (2000) Indicators for Monitoring the MDGs- Definition, Rational, Concepts and Sources (2003) 11
12 Other Technical Materials Methods of Measuring Women’s Participation and Production in the Informal sector (1990) Methods of Measuring Women’s Economic Activity (1993) Engendering Statistics: A Tool for Change (1996) Guide to Gender-Sensitive Indicators, by the Canadian International Development Agency (1997) Guide to Producing Statistics on Time Use: Measuring Paid and Unpaid Work (2005) Gender-sensitive Statistics for Agriculture Gender sensitive Indicators: A Key Tool for Gender Mainstreaming (FAO) Qualitative and Quantitative Indicators for the Monitoring and Evaluation of the ILO Gender Mainstreaming Strategy 12
13 Statistical Reports and Publications The World’s Women: Trends and Statistics The World’s Women: 2005 Progress in Statistics Progress of the World’s Women Women’s Empowerment: Measuring the Global Gender Gap Situation of Women (1990) Statistics and Indicators on Women in Africa (1989) Compendium of Statistics and Indicators on the Situation of Women (1988)
14 Global Gender Statistics Programmes UNSD Global Gender Statistics Programme World Bank Group Gender Action Plan ILO Gender Promotion Programme FAO Gender and Development Plan of Action ( ) WHO program on Women, Health and Development Others 14
15 Engendering Statistics – Regional Level Projects Programme development Training workshops Manuals and Handbooks Gender-based statistical reports and publications
16 Gender Statistics Projects Development of National Gender Statistics Programmes in the Arab Countries Development of National Gender Statistics in Iraq (UNDG- IFT) Interregional cooperation to strengthen social inclusion, gender equality and health promotion in the Millennium Development Goals Toward More Gender-Responsive MDG Monitoring and Reporting in the Arab Region
17 The United Nations has developed a Gender Statistics Programme (GSP) for Arab countries.Gender Statistics Programme It aims to enhance national capabilities in the production, use and dissemination of gender statistics to lead to more effective policies promoting change for the benefit of women and the advancement of society as a whole. Since 1997 GSP activities have commenced on both the regional and national levels in 12 Arab countries: Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Tunisia, Syria and Yemen Programme Development
18 Regional Workshops First Regional Workshop (Tunis, 9-14 June 1997) Second Regional Workshop (Jordan, ) Third Regional Workshop (Tunis, 5-7 July 2001) Fourth Regional Workshop (Beirut, June 2003) Workshop on Gender Statistics as a Tool for Policy Formulation and Analysis (Beirut, June 2003)
19 Handbooks and Manuals Arabic translation of Handbook on How to Prepare Statistical Publications on Women and Men
20 Gender-based statistical publications and reports Women and Men in the Arab Region: A Statistical Portrait Women and Men: Education Women and Men: Employment Where Do Arab Women Stand in the Development Process? Arab Women in Public Life and Leadership
21 Engendering Statistics – National Level National workshops National reports and publications Country gender statistics programmes Gender Focal Points
22 National Workshops AlgeriaFirst National WorkshopJune 1995 EgyptFirst National WorkshopDecember 1997 Second National WorkshopAugust 1999 IraqFirst National WorkshopDecember 2006 JordanFirst National WorkshopJune 1998 Second National WorkshopJuly 1999 A series of national workshops were held in connection to the Development of National Gender Statistics Programmes in the Arab Countries (GSP).
23 National Workshops SyriaFirst National WorkshopApril 1998 Second National WorkshopAugust 1999 TunisiaFirst National WorkshopJuly 1998 Second National WorkshopJuly 1999 YemenFirst National WorkshopDecember 1998 LebanonFirst National WorkshopJune 1998 Second National WorkshopJune 1999 OmanFirst National WorkshopFebruary 2000 PalestineFirst National WorkshopMarch 1999 QatarFirst National WorkshopJuly 2001 Second National WorkshopJanuary 2003
24 Gender-based country reports The reports include national work plans, overviews of national workshops, national strategies for improving gender statistics, and challenges in the preparation of national statistical. Algeria Egypt Jordan Lebanon Oman Palestine Qatar Syria Tunisia Yemen
25 Gender-based statistical booklets National Women and Men Series Algeria: A Statistical Portrait Egypt: A Statistical Portrait Jordan: A Statistical Portrait Lebanon: A Statistical Portrait Oman: Women and Men Qatar: National Report on Women and Men Palestine: A Statistical Portrait The Syrian Arab Republic: A Statistical Portrait Tunisia: A Statistical Portrait Yemen: A Statistical Portrait Morocco 25
26 Country Gender Focal Points CountryOrganization QatarDepartment of Statistics, The Planning Council JordanDepartment of Statistics EgyptCentral Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics The National Council for Women Ministry of Planning and Health (MOPH) Cairo Demographic Center (CDC) National Council for Childhood and Motherhood National Population Council SyriaPopulation Affairs Bureau OmanMinistry of National Economy IraqHuman Development Statistics Division, Central Organization for Statistics and Information Technology, Ministry of Planning and Development Cooperation PalestineDepartment of Gender Statistics, Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics Saudi ArabiaMinistry of Education Ministry of Higher Education Ministry of Civil Services Ministry of Labour Government Organization for Social Insurance
27 World Wide Webs selected AWID -Association for Women in Development, BRIDGE is a gender development organization der_equ_en.htm This European Union’s website falls under the Employment and Social Affairs of the European Union. der_equ_en.htm The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations The International Labour Organization’s (ILO) Since the 1980s, the Royal Tropical Institute (KIT) based in The Nether lands The World Bank Group 27
28 This website of the Gender and Development Group (PREM Gender) provides a database of gender The African Centre for Women (ACW) is a division within the Economic Commission for Africa. The UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC). The UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) Women in Development site The UN Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) This good practices database in gender mainstreaming and implementing the Beijing Platform for Action 28
29 WomenWatch is the UN internet gateway on the advancement and empowerment of women. The UNDP Gender in Development Programme (GIDP) CAWTAR is an Independent Regional Institution promoting gender equality in the Arab World through Research, Training, Networking and Advocacy CREDIF center for researches, studies, documentation and information for women 29
30 Future Action… Which countries are missing? What are the gaps in issues, data, indicators and analysis? What is being done to address these gaps, challenges and strategies? What activities are needed at the international level in terms of agencies collaboration to support national initiatives and build capacity of member countries to sustain the development of gender statistics?