1 Restricted distribution NGO Section/AICESIS/Sciences Po/Academia
2 Promoting the advancement and achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) through new academic programs, pedagogical tools, and educational software
3 Project background
4 Objective promote MDG implementation through new academic programs and educational tools by presenting MDGs as an academic subject- matter
5 Framework wide-scale partnership between UN institutions – under the coordination of the UN/DESA NGO Section –, Informal Regional NGO Networks (IRENE), the International Association of Economic and Social Councils and Similar Institutions (IAESCSI), national Economic and Social Councils, the Institute of Political Sciences (Sciences Po), Civil Society Organizations (CSOs/NGOs), higher education institutions and other key stakeholders
6 Targets promotion of MDG action among CSOs/NGOs; MDG training for CSO/NGO trainers operating in the field; key university curricula which are the most strategic for MDG education and training; practical adjustment and incorporation of MDGs into other teaching and training programs
7 Sources – three MDG questionnaires-surveys aimed at: ● analyzing and reporting on activities, achievements and views by national Economic and Social Councils in implementing the MDGs (IAESCSI UN/MDG questionnaire/survey); ● analyzing and reporting on activities, achievements and views by NGOs in implementing the MDGs (NGO UN/MDG questionnaire/survey); ● determining how higher education institutions in various countries are including MDGs in their curricula and how they are being applied in developing countries (universities UN/MDG questionnaire/survey)
8 Sources – brainstorming sessions under the auspices of the UN/DESA/NGO Section on working out new approaches and methodologies to resolve the education and training gaps in MDGs – results of the experts roundtable in Paris on October 24, 2005 – two regional expert roundtables – in Africa and Latin America, organized with the cooperation and contribution of IAESCSI and UN/NGO/IRENE coordinators
9 Sources – critical analysis of existing training programs, university curricula and other courses in the following Millennium Declaration and MDG sectors: ● education; ● peace and security; ● development; ● human rights; ● role of women; ● the environment
10 Sources – Comprehensive body of documents and reports on MDG implementation: 16 UN documents on the Milennium Declaration from 2000 to Human Development Reports (UNDP) 74 National Country Reports 5 UNDP Regional Reports Word Federation of United Nations Association (WFUNA) Round Table Discussion on the Implementation of the MDGs
12 Sources 10 General Assembly documents from Interdependence and Globalization meetings 8 Press Releases of MDGs 10 Millennium Project Taskforce 24 International Conferences including outcome documents ( ) 40 MDG oriented websites by goal
11 Sources – strategic analysis of major gaps and flaws in current pedagogical/didactical teaching and training tools related to MDGs and Millennium Declaration Road map – main conclusions and recommendations stemming from these findings and identification of potential pedagogical and didactical approaches to curriculum development
12 Goals development of new methodologies, approaches, training tools and techniques for incorporating MDGs into educational curricula; development of MDG training programs for CSO/NGO trainers operating in the field (Training of Trainers (ToT) programs); development of new didactical tools for the transfer of knowledge through multimedia, digital, distance learning and other teaching/training techniques
13 Implementation testing, approval and circulation by the UN/DESA/NGO Section, Informal Regional NGO Networks (IRENE) coordinators and partners, IAESCSI, the Institute of Political Sciences (Sciences Po) and academia of the results of this Study Project – and especially of the new pedagogical/didactical tools – through their regional CSO/NGO communities, IRENE meetings, workshops and training sessions and making them available to higher education institutions; incorporation of MDGs into university/higher education and other educational curricula, organization of MDG training/courses/special programs by the UN/DESA/NGO Section, IRENE and CSOs/NGOs
14 Feedback comparative testing grids for various professional training courses concerned with MDGs