Gwenyth Kieser and Elaine Teyner-Smith
Teams of four 1. Teacher chooses problems. 2. All four students respond simultaneously. 3. When students are done with the problem, they place their pencils on the desk. 4. Students pass papers clockwise. 5. Students check answer, initial, and coach if necessary. 6. Students continue adding to what is already completed. 7. Repeat.
Tweek: Have students come to a consensus before rotating papers. (I don’t give the answer) PowerPoint presentation. I control the pace. Going over the answers at the end of the activity seems to ensure students are doing the problems correctly Groups can be asked to put a problem on the board for the other groups to use as an answer key
Split rows so that every two rows of students are paired together. Every other row is your “A” group The rest of the rows are group “B” Give “A” 30 sec. to 1 min. to explain lesson to their “B” partner Call Time Give “B” students 30 sec. to add comments
Works well for students to re-state what they just took notes on Allows them to notice if they are missing any information or have questions
Students form groups of two. Each student works independently on a problem from the board. When finished, students turn to their “shoulder partner”, and state the answer.
Works well when going over Guided Practice problems Student conversations will show misconceptions or understanding
Each student receives an index card Students complete the problem on the card (if required) Do not let them write on the index cards Students then walk around the room and find their match When matches are made, they show the teacher for confirmation Students should then return to their seats until the activity is completed.
Sometimes activities will ask students to find 2 other people Gets the students up and moving around without taking too much classroom time Easy to spot students who are struggling with concept Allows other students to provide assistance
Students use their “A” and “B” partners One group is the “Sage” They do all the talking Tell partner what to write and how to solve a problem They are not allowed to write anything The other is the “Scribe” May not speak Write only (and exactly) what their partner tells them Complete problem, discuss answer, switch roles
Students form groups of two. Students go around the room and answer various questions that are posted on the wall. Once they answer that particular question, they look for the answer on another piece of paper that is posted somewhere around the classroom. From there, they will find the next question to answer. This continues until all questions are answered and students should finish at the problem where they started. Works well as a chapter review, the day before the test.