Regulatory Frameworks MEDREG, Association of Mediterranean Energy Regulators Philippe Raillon PAM-UNECE inter-Governmental Conference Roundtable Discussion V: Strengthening Energy Systems Geneva May
Outline 1) The Role of MEDREG in the Euro-Mediterranean Energy Sector 2) Exchange of Experiences: Hot Topics in the Work of MEDREG 2
23 Members from 20 Countries 3
Supporting National Regulatory Authorities The establishment of a Mediterranean Energy Community involving all stakeholders of the energy sector requires strong and functioning NRAs in all the countries of the region MEDREG works as a networks of partners to strengthen the role of National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs) Promote a constant exchange of information and expertise among its members Benchmarking and Recommendations on NRAs competences, means and independence 4
Why MEDREG? 5 MEDREG is a fundamental tool to: Favour a progressive integration of national energy markets starting from ground knowledge, to respect national historical, economic, industrial specificities Establish minimum standards on the subject of rules and regulations applicable in the various segments of the market Allow the identification of regional energy priorities that are in line with needs and can guarantee a long-term social and economic development
Outline 1) The Role of MEDREG in the Euro-Mediterranean Energy Sector 2) Exchange of Experiences: Hot Topics in the Work of MEDREG 6
Current priorities Cooperation with other actors Capacity building Consumers Investments 7
Cooperation with Other Energy Stakeholders 8
Capacity-Building Tools for Market Harmonization: The IMME Seminars 9 Training for Medreg members: various partnerships including notably the FSR EU-funded IMME initiative : Progressive Integration of the Electricity Markets of Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia within the Internal Electricity Market of the European Union MEDREG contribution : organization of 3 targeted capacity-building seminars: cooperation, interconnections, markets
Energy Consumers Within Mediterranean Markets 10 MEDREG works towards: –Increasing the attention dedicated to household energy customers –Create a durable collaboration between regulators and ministries to protect vulnerable consumers –Pursue the goals of consumer education favouring competitive markets
Investing in Energy Infrastructure 11 MEDREG intends to: –Cooperate, create an active debate on energy investments and reinforce synergies among energy actors E/G –Provide a shared vision of Mediterranean regulators on investments in energy infrastructure –Come to a stable regulatory framework which allows for a strategic prioritization of investments
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