TRB - CUTC ROUNDTABLE CUTC Summer Meeting June 4, :30 AM to 10:00 AM Grand Manse, Jasmine Room Lincoln, Nebraska
1.What TRB activities and resources do you (and colleagues & students at your institution) utilize and value the most? What types of activities/programs do you feel could enhance the value received from TRB? 2
2.How can TRB help you, your colleagues, and your institution better connect with the broader transportation community? 3
3.How could TRB better engage the broader university community interested in transportation? This is to focus on those who are not currently actively engaged – e.g., those beyond the CUTC membership and those in engineering disciplines. 4
4.How can TRB raise its profile with the leadership at Universities and academic institutions? 5
5.What does TRB do well? 6
6.Are there activities that TRB is currently engaged in, where we could do a better job at? 7
7.Should there be a single group that the represents the interests of the academic/university community at large within TRB? If so, what form should that take? 8
Contact Information Shashi Nambisan, Ph.D., P.E. Professor of Civil Engineering University of Tennessee Knoxville, TN James Bryant, Ph.D., P.E. Senior Program Officer Transportation Research Board Washington, D.C