2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference 1 E NSURING D ATA G OVERNANCE A CROSS THE P-20W S PECTRUM Tuesday, October 30, 2012 Melissa Beard, Data Governance Coordinator, Washington Education Research and Data Center Michael Taquino, National Strategic Planning & Analysis Research Center (nSPARC) at Mississippi State University
2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference Agenda Participant Questions Mississippi’s P-20W Data Governance Washington’s P-20W Data Governance Roundtable Discussions (1 & 2) Group Discussion O VERVIEW 2
2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference P-20W D ATA G OVERNANCE : W HAT ARE Y OUR Q UESTIONS ? 3
2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference M ISSISSIPPI ’ S P-20W D ATA G OVERNANCE 4
2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference M ISSISSIPPI ’ S P-20W D ATA G OVERNANCE 5
2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference M ISSISSIPPI ’ S P-20W D ATA G OVERNANCE 6 Six Building Blocks for SLDS Governance
2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference M ISSISSIPPI ’ S P-20W D ATA G OVERNANCE 7
2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference 8
2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference Context ERDC created as an authorized rep in 2007 to “compile and analyze education data” Located in Governor’s budget agency (OFM) W ASHINGTON ’ S P-20W D ATA G OVERNANCE 10
2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference Partners and Governance Early Learning, Workforce, and OFM are cabinet agencies K-12 led by separately-elected official Public community colleges under a Governor- appointed board Baccalaureates separate and under their own boards Financial aid in an agency under a council W ASHINGTON ’ S P-20W D ATA G OVERNANCE 11
2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference Context ERDC created as an authorized rep in 2007 to “compile and analyze education data” Located in Governor’s budget agency (OFM) Early work based on relationships Focus on linking data so transitions can be studied o Single-sector work left to appropriate agency Overall goal: Provide data and research so education system can improve o This means we work to share data with a variety of people and organizations W ASHINGTON ’ S P-20W D ATA G OVERNANCE 12
2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference Data Governance Steps 1.Created Data Sharing Policy Workgroup o Temporary o Problem-solvers o Decision-makers o State and local representatives 2.Researched other states – State Support Team 3.Understood current data sharing policies 4.Taught people about data governance 5.Created MOU – “Rules of Engagement” W ASHINGTON ’ S P-20W D ATA G OVERNANCE 13
2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference Data Governance Steps 6.Piloted data sharing agreements with requestors 7.Created data sharing matrix 8.Finalized data sharing agreement template o ERDC can share de-identified data on behalf of partners 9.Finalized data governance structure 10.Creating data request process W ASHINGTON ’ S P-20W D ATA G OVERNANCE 14
2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference Data Governance Structure W ASHINGTON ’ S P-20W D ATA G OVERNANCE 15 Education Research & Data Center Data Steward Committee Data Custodian Committee Research Coordination Committee ERDC Guidance Committee Office of Financial Management
2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference Link to Data Warehouse This work parallel to DW planning work DW project not successful if there was no Data Governance Stewards and Custodians busy working on getting the data into the DW W ASHINGTON ’ S P-20W D ATA G OVERNANCE 16
2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference Tips Assign someone to focus on Data Governance P-20 DG is separate from sector DG When someone tells you no, have them show you why Include the lawyers early but make sure you have specific examples Create committees of problem-solvers early so they are familiar with each other when a problem arises W ASHINGTON ’ S P-20W D ATA G OVERNANCE 17
2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference R OUNDTABLE D ISCUSSION 1 18
2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference Roundtable 1: TBD Roundtable 2: TBD Roundtable 3: TBD R OUNDTABLE D ISCUSSION 19
2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference R OUNDTABLE D ISCUSSION 2 20
2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference Roundtable 1: TBD Roundtable 2: TBD Roundtable 3: TBD R OUNDTABLE D ISCUSSION 21
2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference G ROUP D ISCUSSION 22
2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference Contact information: Melissa Beard, Michael Taquino, Keith Brown, For more information on P-20W data governance: P-20W Data Governance Challenge: College and Career Readiness: P-20W Data Governance: Tips from the States: C ONTACTS & A DDITIONAL R ESOURCES 23