Railway research seminar in Moscow Eric Fontanel UNIFE General Manager
What is UNIFE ? Full members: 75 of the largest and medium-sized companies in the rail supply sector Associated members: 18 National Associations, representing almost 1,000 suppliers of railway equipment UNIFE represents the European rail supply industry Based in Brussels since 1992, 24 permanent employees A trusted partner of the European institutions in all matters related to rail and transport UNIFE members have an 80% market share in Europe and supply more than 50% of the worldwide production of rail equipment and services.
UNIFE Members 75 Full Members 18 National Associations
High level Industrial roundtable An EU-Russia High Level Industrialist roundtable was initiated 1 year ago in order to progress in the harmonisation of European and Russian Standards The working group 8 is dedicated to Railways, and UNIFE, together with its members, is actively involved in it The first action was a signature of a Memorandum of Understanding between UNIFE and NP-UIRE, its counterpart in Russia, describing the willing and commitment of the 2 industry associations in progressing and working on the standard harmonisation In addition, the working group 8 of the industrialist roundtable is preparing a white paper to propose to the European and Russian authorities on how to progress on the standard harmonisation 4
White paper proposal and way forward Due to a very different standard and regulation environments in EU and Russia, UNIFE proposes to have, instead of a comparison standard by standard, a similar approach than the Cross-Acceptance currently performed between EU Member States A template for the comparison is offered by the list of technical parameters defined in the Interoperability Directive 25008/57/EC (Annex VII) The parameters are the ones that are used for authorisation of vehicles, conformity to which is ensured in Europe by application of the Technical Specifications for Interoperability and related EN Standards. Some work has also already been undertaken by the ERA, as the European 1520 mm gauge lines are going to be included in the upcoming revision of the Technical Specification for Interoperability on Rolling Stock 5
Thank you for your attention!
Railway research seminar in Moscow Eric Fontanel UNIFE General Manager