MyFloridaMarketPlace Roundtable May 20, 2003 MyFloridaMarketPlace
2 MyFloridaMarketPlace Roundtable Session Agenda Welcome / Overview of Today’s Session Update from Bill Simon Update from Steering Committee Meeting Vendor Registration / Exemption Process Resolution of Pending Issues / New Items Next Meeting Location / Time
3 MyFloridaMarketPlace Roundtable Session Agenda Welcome / Overview of Today’s Session Update from Bill Simon Update from Steering Committee Meeting Vendor Registration / Exemption Process Resolution of Pending Issues / New Items Next Meeting Location / Time
4 MyFloridaMarketPlace Roundtable Update from Bill Simon What I’ve been hearing… I don’t have a clear understanding of what the State is trying to achieve with this initiative… The fee represents an inappropriate windfall, and no value will be realized for the agencies… I would like to see additional demonstrations of the system modules… The system will make Accounting and Auditing functions more difficult… Having PeopleFirst and MyFloridaMarketPlace implemented so close to one another will be difficult for the agencies to implement… When will the deployment schedule be finalized? DMS is not a customer service focused organization…
5 MyFloridaMarketPlace Roundtable Session Agenda Welcome / Overview of Today’s Session Update from Bill Simon Update from Steering Committee Meeting Vendor Registration / Exemption Process Resolution of Pending Issues / New Items Next Meeting Location / Time
6 MyFloridaMarketPlace Roundtable MyFloridaMarketPlace Roundtable Proposed Agency Sequence & Timing * Other State Level entities that are eligible users ** Commodities and contractual services transactions 07/03. Working w/ DOT on other spending areas (annual spending total $2,322,890,365) ***These agencies have expressed an interest in adjusting their deployment date or discussing further.
7 MyFloridaMarketPlace Roundtable MyFloridaMarketPlace Roundtable Vendor Feedback Concerns in regards to MyFloridaMarketPlace % of Total Responses None Increased Competition* Fee Amount and Collection Method* Agencies/Buyers Using the System* Support/Human Contact Availability How will the System Work for Me? Security/System Availability Other Total * Sampling of comments in these three areas listed on the following slide 54 % 13 % 9 % 6 % 5 % 3 % 100 %
8 MyFloridaMarketPlace Roundtable MyFloridaMarketPlace Roundtable Vendor Feedback Vendor Feedback Forms, Top Three Areas of Concern: Increased Competition (13%) “Potential loss of business if large vendors register for the same commodities” “Smaller businesses being left out of buying process due to price advantage of large corporations” “Makes the current relationships open to competitive bids thus opportunity to lose current business” “Losing any preferred status with customers” Fee Amount and Collection Method (9%) The 1% fee and how that will work Agencies/Buyers Using the System (6%) “The delay in all agencies coming online and using the system” “Agencies I deal with most won’t want to use properly” “Agencies may not be thoroughly trained to use the system and we may miss opportunities” “How soon is it going to be in effect for all State agencies?” “Transition from old mind set to new ways of doing business” “That local and municipal governments will not use it”
9 MyFloridaMarketPlace Roundtable Session Agenda Welcome / Overview of Today’s Session Update from Bill Simon Update from Steering Committee Meeting Vendor Registration / Exemption Process Resolution of Pending Issues / New Items Next Meeting Location / Time
10 MyFloridaMarketPlace Roundtable Vendor Registration Reporting Tasks to be Completed by the Agency 1. Compile a list of your agency’s critical vendors 2.Identify any vendors on your agency’s worksheet you believe are exempted from registration per proposed rule 60A Add any additional critical vendors not included on any of the tabs to your agency’s list 4. Update the FEIN field for each vendor not exempted from registration 5.Return to by May 23 Next Steps 1.A comparison between the critical vendor list and MyFloridaMarketPlace will be provided to the agencies weekly 2.Focus vendor outreach to those critical vendors not yet registered
11 MyFloridaMarketPlace Roundtable Vendor Registration / Exemption Process Who should register in MyFloridaMarketPlace? Rule 60A – “Each vendor doing business with the State for the sale of commodities or contractual services as defined in section , Florida Statutes…” Vendors who receive a new purchase order from an agency Vendors responding to a solicitation from an agency using MyFloridaMarketPlace Vendors who are included in a signed agreement with an agency tracking their contracts within MyFloridaMarketPlace
12 MyFloridaMarketPlace Roundtable Vendor Registration / Exemption Process How will vendors that are exempt from the transaction fee be registered in MyFloridaMarketPlace? The vendor will register in MyFloridaMarketPlace and agree to the terms and conditions The agency will notify the Vendor Help Desk regarding the contract/vendor level exemption The Vendor Help Desk will update the exemption file and will notify the agency when the update is complete.
13 MyFloridaMarketPlace Roundtable Vendor Registration / Exemption Process How will vendors that refuse to register be registered in MyFloridaMarketPlace? The agency will work with the vendor to gather all relevant registration information and will provide the information to the Vendor Help Desk. The Vendor Help Desk will register vendor in MyFloridaMarketPlace on behalf of the agency and will flag the vendor as exempt from the transaction fee. The agency will be notified when the registration is complete.
14 MyFloridaMarketPlace Roundtable Vendor Registration / Exemption Process Where are p-card and payees, i.e., foster parents, student loan recipients, client vendors, etc., to be registered? They will continue to be registered in SPURS by the agencies The long term approach to handling p-card and payees is still being defined
15 MyFloridaMarketPlace Roundtable Session Agenda Welcome / Overview of Today’s Session Update from Bill Simon Update from Steering Committee Meeting Vendor Registration / Exemption Process Resolution of Pending Issues / New Items Next Meeting Location / Time
16 MyFloridaMarketPlace Roundtable Session Agenda Welcome / Overview of Today’s Session Update from Bill Simon Update from Steering Committee Meeting Vendor Registration / Exemption Process Resolution of Pending Issues / New Items Next Meeting Location / Time
17 Next Meeting: Time / Location May 27 th 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Carr Building, Room 170