HLC Assessment Academy Promoting Student Learning Kemit Grafton Spring 2008 Conference OKAIRP
Overview Background on Assessment Academy OSU-OKC Participation Shift in Thinking Student Learning Project Outcomes Time Lines
Background HLC offer member schools a four-year sequence of events and interactions focused on Student Learning Intended to accelerate and advance effort to assess and improve student learning Build commitment to campus wide assessment of Student Learning Connection to Accreditation
OSU-OKC Participation Summer 2007 developed an application proposal Recapped progress from past efforts Identified needs and benefits for academy participation Accepted in August 2007 Assessment Academy Team selected and attended Academy Roundtable Lisa Dillon – Co team leader Kemit Grafton –Co team leader Dr. Larry Edwards Dr. Teri Ferguson Pat Reaves
Shift in Thinking Focus on student learning first – the ends, then on the assessment – the tool/means Assessment is not solely an Academic Affairs function Integration of efforts across all units on campus
Student Learning Project Integrating college level learning objectives across campus Holistic student assessment = General Education outcomes + program outcomes HOW: Five general education goals How do we help build these skills into curriculum of technical programs?
Student Learning Project Clarifying Questions: What are the current assessment efforts in general education and programmatic areas? How do all units across campus use assessment results to improve students learning? How does the assessment of on-line classes/programs differ form on- ground classes/programs?
Outcomes Student learning is the primary consideration is all decision making Assessment is valued and used across campus as a means to improve student learning Assessment processes are appropriate to the instructional delivery Comprehensive, campus wide assessment effort
Time Lines Year One: Develop and administer Institutional Inventory of current student learning assessment efforts (all units). Plan improvements in student learning based on results Explore the expansion of existing Academic Assessment Committee Begin to focus on the question “how does this relate to student learning?” Peer presentations
Time Lines Year Two and Three: Expand our assessment efforts across campus Explore co-curricular assessment efforts Opportunity for faculty/staff development Annual progress analysis submitted to HLC
Time Lines Year Four: Complete Results Report on Student Learning Project Participate in Results forum (HLC) Prepare Sustainability Plan