Refrigeration and cryogenics Zakład Kriogeniki i Technologii Gazowych Dr hab. inż. Maciej Chorowski, prof. PWr
Methods of lowering the temperature Isentropic expansion Isentropic expansion Joule-Thomson expansion Joule-Thomson expansion Free expansion – gas exhaust Free expansion – gas exhaust
Gas isentropic expansion with external work
Drop of the gas temperature: Entropy is a function of pressure and temperature S= S(p, T) Total differential must be equal to zero: Differential effect of isentropic expansion s shows the change in temperature with respect to the change of pressure:
Gas isentropic expansion with external work We know from thermodynamics We get where: is coefficient of cubical expansion
Gas isentropic expansion with external work For the ideal gas: After integration
Piston expander
Cryogenic turboexpander
Isenthalpic – Joule-Thomson - expansion When gas, vapour or liquid expands adiabatically in an open system without doing any external work, and there is no increment in velocity on the system reference surface, the process is referred to as throttle expansion. In practice, this process is implemented by installing in the gas stream some hydraulic resistance such as throttling valve, gate, calibrated orifice, capillary, and so on.
Isenthalpic – Joule-Thomson - expansion
Temperature drop in Isenthalpic – Joule-Thomson - expansion Enthalpy is a function of pressure and temperature: h= h(p, T) Total differential must be equal to zero: Differential throttling effect μ h : Isenthalpic – Joule-Thomson - expansion
Gas Maximal inversion temperature, K eksperyment z równania van der Walsa Argon Azot Hel – Hel – ,3 Neon Powietrze Metan Tlen Wodór204,6223
Free expansion (exhaust)
1. Adiabatic process 2. Non equilibrium process – gas pressure and external pressure are not the same 3. Constant external pressure (p f = const.) 4. External work against pressure p f Free expansion (exhaust)
Final gas temperature: I Law of Thermodynamics where: u 0, u f – initial and final gas internal energy v 0, v f – initial and final gas volume Free expansion (exhaust)
For ideal gas: We get: Free expansion (exhaust)
Comparison of the processes for air
Cryogenic gas refrigerators
Heat exchangers RecuperativeRegenerative
Comparison of coolers
Refrigerators with recuperative heat exchangers Joule – Thomson refrigerators Joule – Thomson refrigerators
Examples of miniature Joule-Thomson refrigerator
Claude refrigerators
Stirling coolers
Stirling cooler
Stirling cycle is realized in four steps : 1. Step 1-2: Isothermal gas compression in warm chamber 2. Step 2-3: Isochoric gas cooling in regenerator 3. Step 3-4:Isothermal gas expansion with external work 4. Step 4-1: Isochoric gas heating in regenerator In Stirling refrigerator a cycle consists of two isotherms and two isobars
Stirling split cooler
Stirling cooler with linear motor
Efficiency of Stirling cooler filled with ideal gas Work of isothermal compression Work of isothermal expansion Heat of isothermal expansion
Stirling cooler configuration: Stirling cooler configuration:
Stirling cooler used for air liquefact -ion
Stirling cooler used for air liquefaction
Two stage Stirling refrigerator
Gifforda – McMahon cooler Gifforda – McMahon cooler
Four steps of McMahon cycle: 1. Filling. 2. Gas displacement 3. Free exhaust of the gas 4. Discharge of cold chamber Efficiency of McMahon cooler: Gifforda – McMahon cooler Gifforda – McMahon cooler
McMahon refrigerator
Combination of McMahon and J-T cooler, 250 mW at 2,5 K
Pulse tube – free exhaust
Scheme of pulse tube cooler
Development of pulse tube coolers Gifford, 1963, rather curiosity that efficient cooler Kittel, Radebaugh, 1983 orifice pulse tube Dr. Zhu et. al., 1994, multiply by-pass pulse tube
Comparison of Stirling and orifice pulse tube cooler
Pulse tube cooler for 77 K applications Weight:2.4 kg Dimensions (l x w x h):11.4 x 11.4 x 22 cm 65K Ultimate low temperature:35K Input power2kW
Pulse tube
Two stage pulse tube
Pulse tube configuration
Adiabatic demagnetization of paramagnetic
Paramagnetic salts
Magnetic coolers
Magnetic cooler
Magnetic cooler with moving paramagnetic
Three stage magnetic cooler with magnetic regenerator Ceramic magnetic regenerator material Gd2O2S with an average diameter of 0.35 mm for G-M and pulse tube cryocoolers.
Cooler efficiency at 80 K
„Family” of cryocoolers