Exhaust fumes from poorly run vehicles, can kill! As a stick props open the trunk to make room for passengers the small child is facing many dangers just to survive. These people are family orientated but just do not know better?
Animals and children are part of daily work together going to school are doing chores.
Afghanistan the most found active landmines anywhere because of man? My entire work site has been or is being cleared of live explosives. This is one of the methods used? How would you like this job or to follow behind him with shovels and start building a camp. Everything imaginable is found from antiaircraft shells to bomb lets left behind from past wars?
From old mud fortress to new Brigade My new home is being assembled at the bottom right where the new Afghan army will live along with a few U.S. embedded troops as training and support continues. Temporary quarters are well underway and we will soon start construction on permanent building for up to 6,000 troops on this site to protect the region for many years to come!
First problem how do you feed them? Afghan cook with wood mainly and yes it is custom to also stand on top of the stove. These are 10 wood burning pits feeding these large pots of mostly rice and chicken dinners for the troops.
They are practicing for the dedication when the Afghan flag will be raised.