1 Adaptations of the Model 1130 & Model 1135 for Polar Operation Frank Schaedlich 330 Nantucket Blvd. Toronto, Canada M1P 2P4 Rev 1.10 Nov 2003
2 Operating in Polar Regions Operating these systems outdoors under some of the harshest conditions on the planet has presented some challenges ! This is a summary of some of the conditions experienced by users and the solutions developed
3 Internal Case Temperature Internal case temperature can sometimes drop to < 0° C 1.Replace original 100 W case heater with new 200 Watt unit Easy user retrofit ( P/N: ) 2.Block case ventilation inlet 3.Check, and, if necessary, block case ventilation outlet Do not block oven inlet or exhaust vents!
4 Exterior Vents Air leakage through exhaust vents Original oven and case exhaust vents were thin gauge aluminum Easy to damage while transporting Flapper could be deformed and possibly stick in the open position 1.Ensure that flaps are free swinging and are operating properly 2.Ensure that Model 1130 & 1135 are mounted perfectly upright!
5 Freezing of Zero Air Components Either V1 and/or zero air delivery line (from V1 to denuder) may freeze solid Requires a lot of moisture in the zero air for this to happen! 1.Get air from driest available location Use dry outside air as source 2.Purge zero canisters of moisture when moving them from temperate to arctic conditions
6 Freezing of V1 Also requires a lot of moisture in the air! 1.Stand V1 off rear panel of case This is done on all current units Possible to do this modification in the field 2.Replace V1 with larger orifice valve Factory retrofit 3.Use new 200W case heater
7 Freezing of Zero Air Line 1.The only available solution here is to use dry outside air as zero air source Even if the internal line was moved, insulated, etc., the air would frost up somewhere inside external zero air components 2.Must purge zero canisters of moisture when moving them from temperate to arctic conditions
8 Interior Moisture Water inside of unit due to the melting of ingested blowing snow 1.Block case cooling inlets partially or entirely 2.Check case exhaust vents for proper flapper seal 3.Check door seal
9 External Inlet Impactor not being sufficiently heated 1.Use new heated boot Accepts full 115 VAC line power 2.Higher PID power limit May increase LEVL2 PL.1 power limit from default 20% of up to 100%, if required 3.Use extra insulation around boot 4.Boost setpoint temperature
10 Denuder Denuder “keep-warm” does not maintain 50° C 1.Set higher PID power limit Increase the LEVL2 PL.1 (keep warm) power limit from the default value of 5% 2.Check oven exhaust flap for proper operation
11 Door Seal Door is not sealing properly 1.Use new CFlex sealing cord User installable: TN Ensure that backing board is not warped
12 Heated Transfer Line Heated Line does not maintain 50° C 1.Nothing easy can done about this There is not enough power available to substitute a line with more than the standard 8 W/ft power rating However, this should not be a problem Sample line only contains elemental mercury Will always be well above the dew point of the ambient air No losses expected
13 Summary There have been some unusual problems experienced with polar operation Most appear to have been resolved