Measures to stop pollution
International Efforts
Pollution Pollution tends to travel between countries by wind or water, e.g. haze in Indonesia Countries have agreements to work together to stop pollution
Earth Summit Organized by United Nations to discuss sustainable development Took place in 1992, 2002 and 2012 Commitments made in 2002 include: Manage toxic chemicals Increase access to clean water Build proper sewage systems
SEA Region Singapore Indonesia Malaysia
Mandatory Ship Reporting System Info. on damage and defects Report any pollutants released Authorities trained to respond quickly
National Efforts: Singapore’s Efforts to Protect the Environment
Enforcing Laws and Regulations Enforce laws to control amount of pollutants emitted by industries Ensure that companies treat their waste before disposing them National Environment Agency (NEA)
Using Alternative Sources of Energy Use “clean” energy Wind energy, hydroelectricity and solar energy
Use Advanced Technology Use advanced technology to treat waste and remove pollutants Reduce impacts of pollution on the environment Build sewage treatment plants to treat waste before it is released into water bodies
Landfill Huge pits in the ground for disposal of solid waste Waste dumped and covered with soil Take up plenty of space One time use Pulau Semakau Landfill
Incineration Burn waste at high temperature Reduces volume of waste by 90% Energy produced converted to electricity Releases dust particle to air (pollution) Some waste can’t be burned (concrete)
Educate Public Encourage people/industry produce less waste Campaign and talks informed-harmful effects 3R suggestions
Individual Methods to Reduce Pollution
Pollution Affects over 100m people 2m people die prematurely each year from bad air Hole in the ozone is 8.2 million sq miles large
Solutions - Awareness Ensures that people are motivated to solve pollution Possible methods used o Education o Statistics
1.Use of private transport 2. Incorrect waste disposal 3. "Reduce" 4. Use of aerosols Solutions - Minimizing
Minimizing use of private transport Exhaust created leading to dust particles in the air Public transport etc. means that less exhaust is created
Minimizing incorrect waste disposal Throw rubbish in the right place Litter often ends up swept into water bodies
"Reduce" Try to minimize unneccessary use of materials as much as possible e.g, Print on both sides of the paper instead of printing on 2 sheets
Minimizing Use of Aerosols The use of aerosols give of CFCs. CFCs are an Ozone-Depleting Substance (Daniel please give us a complex chemical explanation)
Solutions - Maximise 1.Carpooling/public transport 2.Recycling 3.Reusing
Carpooling When possible, catch a ride from your neighbour. (Thank you Shaun) This reduces the number of cars on the road, also reducing pollution from car exhaust.
Recycling Makes unusable materials usable again Reduces waste
Reusing Use items more than once o e.g. bringing own bags to shopping Reduces waste as o Less things thrown away o Less things have to be made due to less demand
Solutions - changing lifestyles 1.Going green 1.Getting involved
Going green Switching lights off when not in use Energy saving light bulbs Buying green products Reduces the amount of waste produced
Getting involved Make an effort to learn more about o Environment o Environmental problems present Involve ourselves in environmental conservation plans