ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION By Redzevsriy Vladimir Speranskiy Ilya Form 8B.
What is environmental pollution? Environmental pollution - damage to nature, environment habitat harmful substances, emissions, waste. A person has to intervene more and more in the biosphere. The Earth's biosphere currently subject to an increased anthropogen- the resultant impact. There can be several of the most significant different processes, any of which does not improve the ecological situation in the planet.
AIR POLLUTION Pollution sources industry domestic boilers car
C HEMICAL POLLUTION OF NATURAL WATERS Chemical pollution is changing the natural chemical properties of water due to the increase in the content of harmful impurities as inorganic, and organic nature. The main inorganic contaminants are chemical compounds toxic to fish Organic pollution. Among insertion into the ocean from land-soluble substances, great value fish are organic compounds.
THE PROBLEM OF OCEAN POLLUTION Oil and oil products are the most common pollutants in the oceans. Oil and oil products. Oil is a viscous oily liquid, having a dark brown color.
S OIL CONTAMINATION. It is the soil, the shell defines many of the processes The soil cover of the Earth is an essential component of the Earth's biosphere Critical soil is the accumulation of organic substances of different chemical elements and energy. Soil performs the functions of biological absorber, the destroyer and Converter pollution. If that link the biosphere will be destroyed, the current functioning of the biosphere irreversibly disturbed.
C ONCLUSION. The nature conservancy is the task of our century, the problem has become social. Again and again we hear about the dangers facing the environment, but still many of us find it unpleasant, but inevitable product of civilization, and believe that we still have time to deal with all the difficulties However, the human impact on the environment has taken alarming proportions. To radically improve the situation, it will take deliberate and thoughtful action. Responsible and effective policy towards the environment will be possible only if we acquire reliable data on the current state of the environment, well-founded knowledge about the interaction of important environmental factors, if you are developing new techniques to reduce and prevent harm to Nature.
S OLUTION One way to protect the atmosphere from pollution - transition to use of new environmentally friendly energy sources. As private security solutions air from exhaust gases of cars you can specify for the installation of filters and supplementary firing device, replacement additives containing lead, the organization of traffic, which will reduce and eliminate frequent changing of the modes of operation of the engines (road junctions, widening of the roadway, construction of crossings, and so on). Cardinal problem can be solved by replacing internal combustion engines to electric. To reduce toxic substances in exhaust gases of vehicles replacement of gasoline and other fuels, for example a mixture of different alcohols. Promising CNG cars. The greening of cities and industrial centers: green spaces through photosynthesis releases the air from carbon dioxide and enrich it with oxygen. On leaves of trees and shrubs settles to 72% of suspended dust particles and up to 60% of the sulfur dioxide. Therefore, in parks, squares and gardens in air containing dust is ten times less than on the open streets and squares. Many species of shrubs and trees emit volatile that kills bacteria. Green areas largely regulate the microclimate of the city, "extinguish" the city noise, bringing great harm to human health. To maintain the purity of the air is of great importance breading city. Factories, highways should be separated from residential districts a buffer zone consisting of green space. It is necessary to consider the direction of the main winds (wind rose), the terrain and the presence of reservoirs, to have living quarters on the leeward side and on the elevated areas. Industrial areas are better placed away from residential areas or outside the city.