AIR ENERGY An Untapped Renewable Energy Source by Sunil Sinha Founder/President Beyond Pollution Inc
Air Energy Introducing As Renewable Energy Source
Do you know the weight of Air in your hotel room? 200 KG
Do you know how many horse power you have in the Air of your hotel room ? 16 Horse Power
Agenda X Air Energy Concept X Air Energy Potential X Air Energy Based Technology X Savings & Cost Effectiveness X Business Opportunities With Air Energy X Q&A
Current Facts Global Warming Trends SOURCE EPA
Energy Price
X Air as Solar Energy Storage Battery X Air Energy is available everywhere:Day & Night, Rain & Shine or Hot & Cold X Reliable, Renewable & Clean Source Concept
Potential A room of size 10’x20’x30’: 170m3 of volume x 1.16KG/m3 of density = 200KG of weight Energy Content in the Air Δ Q = m. c v.Δ T 200KG x 2.2 x 0.17 Btu/lbmoF x (86oF-(-473oF)) /(3412btu/kw) > 12KiloWatt >16 Horse Power
Potential Energy Recovery From Blowing an Exhaust Fan Air Flow: 10,000 CFM Air Heat Recovered with 30 o F drop = 65KW/hr 87HP/hr 221,000 BTU/hr 18 ton/hr
Based Technology Technologies to Extract Internal Energy of Air Efficiently Including Heat Pump Liquid Heater (HPLH) Heat Pump Liquid Heater (HPLH) 350% Efficiency350% Efficiency 70% Energy Saving70% Energy Saving
Heat Pump Liquid Heater
Savings & Cost Effectiveness
X Residence X Commerce X Industry X Institution X Agriculture Application of Technologies
X New Technologies Development X Integration of HPLH with Other Products X Manufacturing Partnership of HPLH X Distributionship of HPLH X Service Provider of HPLH Business Opportunity with
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