Read the following information to help you answer the questions on your paper.
This is where the Industrial Revolution began. Today, the UK is known for its factories and power plants. They are one of the top 10 producers of exports in the world. This allows it to remain one of the top 10 largest economies in the world. However, all this production has its consequences:
In the past they burned large amounts of coal in factories. Today, they have many cars and busses These issues have caused a major problem known as… Air Pollution!
Nuclear power was used to generate electricity. Sadly, poor engineering led to a serious disaster on April 26, 1986
There was a nuclear power plant meltdown. This led to: Birth defects Increased cancer rates Soil contamination
They have many differences, but one major similarity. A. Judaism- Torah B. Islam- Quran C. Christianity- Bible A. B. C.
They are monotheistic That means they believe in only one God.
Location affects how a country trades. Transportation by water for trade is the most economical method For many years before modern transportation societies relied solely on water for transporting goods.
The United Kingdom relies on water for: Trade Military- for many years they ruled much of the world as a result of their navy Because it is a series of islands access to other countries is much easier.
Pollution gets into the clouds and causes the rain to be unusually acidic. This is harmful to plant life, aquatic animals, humans (cancer), and even buildings and sculptures. What is it? Acid rain! What causes it? factories (industrialization) car exhaust.
Over time countries have developed different languages This can lead to confusion and make trade difficult. Language varieties show a country’s uniqueness. Each of the countries listed below have their own language. It shows us the diversity amongst European countries. Russia Germany France Italy English