©Brooks/Cole, 2003 Introduction to Computer Science Kun-Mao Chao ( 趙坤茂 ) Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Taiwan University,


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Presentation transcript:

©Brooks/Cole, 2003 Introduction to Computer Science Kun-Mao Chao ( 趙坤茂 ) Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Taiwan University, Taiwan WWW:

©Brooks/Cole, 2003 Why is Bill Gates always smiling? Why is he always smiling?

©Brooks/Cole, 2003

Chapter 1 Introduction

©Brooks/Cole, 2003 Understand the concept of a black box, a data processor, and a programmable data processor. Define the von Neumann model and name its components: memory, arithmetic/logic unit, control unit, and input/output. Understand the stored program concept. After reading this chapter, the reader should be able to: O BJECTIVES Understand the sequential execution of statements in a program. Name the components of a computer: hardware, software, and data.


©Brooks/Cole, 2003 Figure 1-1 Data processor model

©Brooks/Cole, 2003 Figure 1-2 Programmable data processor model

©Brooks/Cole, 2003

Figure 1-3 Same program, different data

©Brooks/Cole, 2003 Figure 1-4 Same data, different programs

©Brooks/Cole, 2003 von NEUMANN MODEL MODEL 1.2

©Brooks/Cole, 2003 von Neumann

©Brooks/Cole, 2003 About John Louis von Neumann ( 馮紐曼  有本科普書介紹這位超人 ) John Louis von Neumann –Born 28 December 1903, Budapest, Hungary; –Died 8 February 1957, Washington DC; –Brilliant mathematician, synthesizer, and promoter of the stored program concept, whose logical design of the IAS became the prototype of most of its successors - the von Neumann Architecture.

©Brooks/Cole, 2003 Figure 1-5 von Neumann model

©Brooks/Cole, 2003 von Neumann Model 四個主要部分 –Memory ( 記憶體 ) –Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU, 運算及邏輯單元 ) –Control Unit (CU, 控制單元 ) –Input/Output (I/O, 輸出入 ) 儲存程式概念 (stored program concept) 循序執行指令 (sequential execution of instructions)


電腦 ( 計算機, Computer)

©Brooks/Cole, 2003 螢幕 (Monitor; Screen)

©Brooks/Cole, 2003 滑鼠 (Mouse)

©Brooks/Cole, 2003 鍵盤 (Keyboard)

©Brooks/Cole, 2003 主機 (Computer housing; the computer case; the box)

©Brooks/Cole, 2003 印表機 (Printer)

©Brooks/Cole, 2003 筆記型電腦 (Notebook)

©Brooks/Cole, 2003 無線網卡 (Wireless card)

©Brooks/Cole, 2003 個人數位助理 (Personal Digital Assistant; PDA)

©Brooks/Cole, 2003 數位相機 (Digital Camera)

©Brooks/Cole, 2003 DATADATA 1.4 我們將在後續的幾章中介紹


Figure 1-6 Program and data in memory

©Brooks/Cole, 2003 Figure 1-7 Program made of instructions

©Brooks/Cole, 2003 HISTORYHISTORY 1.6

最早的計算工具 算盤

©Brooks/Cole, 2003 Pascaline 法國數學家 Blaise Pascal 於西元 1642 年所發明, 是 一種加法器

©Brooks/Cole, 2003 Difference Engine Charles Babbage 西元 1823 年所發明

©Brooks/Cole, 2003 打孔卡排序工具 Herman Hollerith 於 1890 年所發明

©Brooks/Cole, 2003 ABC (Atanasoff Berry Computer) 第一部將資訊電子化的特定功能電腦 John V. Atanasoff 和 Clifford Berry 於 1939 年 所發明

©Brooks/Cole, 2003 Turing Machine Alan Turing 在二次大戰時設計, 破解了德國 的 Enigma 密碼

©Brooks/Cole, 2003 Alan Turing & Me H.A. Newton  E.H. Moore (1885 Yale Univ.)  Oswald Veblen (1903 U. of Chicago)  Alonzo Church (1927 Princeton)  Bob Ritchie (1961 Princeton)  Webb Miller (1968 Washington)  Kun-Mao Chao (1993 Penn State) Alan Turing

©Brooks/Cole, 2003 Turing Award Nobel prize in computer science ACM's most prestigious technical award is accompanied by a prize of $100,000. It is given to an individual selected for contributions of a technical nature made to the computing community. The contributions should be of lasting and major technical importance to the computer field. Financial support of the Turing Award is provided by the Intel Corporation. 西元 1966 年開始

©Brooks/Cole, 2003 Turing Award 2002 Winners: Ronald L. Rivest, Adi Shamir, Leonard M. Adleman Donald Knuth 1974 Steven Cook 1982 Ken Thompson & Dannis Ritchie 姚期智院士在西元 2000 年時, 獲頒 Turing Award

©Brooks/Cole, 2003 RSA encryption Rivest ShamirAdleman

©Brooks/Cole, 2003 RSA factorization challenges 將一個由兩個大質數所乘出來的大數分解回來 e.g., 143  11 x 13 Challenge Number Prize ($US) Challenge Number Prize ($US) RSA-576$10,000RSA-896$75,000 RSA-640$20,000RSA-1024$100,000 RSA-704$30,000RSA-1536$150,000 RSA-768$50,000RSA-2048$200,000

©Brooks/Cole, 2003 US$10,000 –– RSA

©Brooks/Cole, 2003 US$200,000 –– RSA

©Brooks/Cole, 2003 你 / 妳缺錢嗎 ?

To be continued 下週我們會再繼續電腦發展史 下週我們也會談資料表示法及數字表示法

©Brooks/Cole, 2003 先想想看, 讀讀看 從古至今的計算機發展史 下次我們會給個和計算機發展史有關的作 業