Touching Spirit Bear Vocabulary
defiant Adjective Definition: Marked by defiance; boldly resisting. Sentence: The stubborn child had a defiant attitude.
barrage Verb Definition: to bombard, attack, or shower continuously. Sentence: The speaker was barraged by an angry audience.
venomous Adjective Definition: (1) secreting and transmitting venom; (2) to be malicious or spiteful.
sullenly Adverb Definition: showing irritation or ill humor by a gloomy silence; dismal. Sentence: The football team sullenly walked back to their bus after they lost the big game.
banish Verb Definition: to expel; to force one to leave; exile. Sentence: Cole was banished to Alaska for his crime committed.
symbolize Verb Definition: to be a symbol of; stand for or represent in the manner of a symbol. Sentence: What does the Statue of Liberty Symbolize?
obligations Noun Definition: A social, legal, or moral requirement, such as a duty, contract, or promise that forces one to follow or avoid a particular course of action.
dignity Noun Definition: The quality or state of being worthy of esteem or respect; having self-confidence and self-respect.
isolate Verb Definition: to set or place apart; remove or separate so as to be alone. Sentence: Cole isolated himself from his peers at school.
devoted Verb Definition: to have faithfulness and loyalty to something or someone. Sentence: The nurse devoted herself to the care of the sick patient.
taunted Verb Definition: To criticize in a mocking, insulting, or scornful manner. Sentence: The kids at school taunted Cole for being a loner.
persistent Adjective Definition: insistently repetitive or continuous; unrelenting. Sentence: The persistent ringing of the telephone drove me crazy!
scrounge Verb Definition: to search or hunt for something. Sentence: Cole scrounged for something to eat the second day on the island.
manipulate Verb Definition: to manage or influence cleverly, especially in an unfair or tricky manner. Sentence: Cole manipulated the community’s opinion of him in his favor.
remote Adjective Definition: far apart; far distant in space; to be located at some distance away. Sentence: Cole was taken to a remote island off the coast of southeastern Alaska.
vanish Verb Definition: To pass out of sight, especially quickly; to disappear. Sentence: The Spirit Bear vanished before Cole’s eyes.
bough Noun Definition: branches in a tree or a bushy plant. Example sentence: Cole used a bough from the tree to make a spear.
shrouded Verb Definition: to cover, protect, or hide. Example sentence: Heavy, dark clouds shrouded the far horizon.
incessant Adjective Definition: continuing without interruption; ceaseless; unending. Example sentence: The incessant buzzing of the cicadas this summer drove me crazy!
gluttonous Adjective Definition: tending to eat and drink excessively; greedy; ravenous.
maul Verb Definition: To injure by or as if by beating; to handle roughly. Example sentence: Cole was left unconscious after the being mauled by the bear.