Michael Alley College of Engineering Penn State April 2, 2009 Assertion–Evidence Slide Template for Teaching
2 Key image for introducing class’s scope, importance, or mapping Title of Class Period in Initial Capitals: 36 Points Announcement or short list of topics
Class 3: Plate Tectonics and Origins Plate Movement Earth’s Layers Resource Distribution [Brooks/Cole-Thomson Learning]
5 Call-out, if necessary: keep to one or two lines Graphic, table, or equation supporting the sentence-headline assertion Call-out, if necessary: keep to one or two lines This template slide, which is from the body of a classroom presentation, begins with a sentence assertion
7 Geysers, CA The best places to harness geothermal energy are at the plate boundaries Iceland is almost entirely run on geothermal energy
9 9 Continental crust: rich in silica and aluminum less dense Oceanic crust: rich in iron and magnesium more dense There are two types of crust: oceanic and continental [Brooks/Cole-Thomson Learning]
11 All water Oceans and saline lakes 97.4% Groundwater 24.5% Fresh water Ice caps and glaciers 75% Oceans and Saline lakes 97.4% Fresh water 2.6% How is water distributed on Earth? Readily accessible fresh water Lakes 0.007% Atmospheric water vapor Biota Rivers Lakes Soil Moisture 0.5% Only about 0.5% of all the water on earth is fresh water that is readily available for human use
13 In summary, only a small percentage of water on Earth is readily available In the U.S., water is mainly used for agriculture and power-plant cooling [Miller 2002] Water shortages are caused by climatic conditions