Longwood University QEP QEP stands for Quality Enhancement Plan.
Longwood University QEP It’s required by SACS in addition to the Compliance Certification as one of the components of the review process. SACS describes it this way:
Longwood University QEP The Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP), submitted four to six weeks in advance of the on-site review by the Commission, is a document developed by the institution that (1) includes a process identifying key issues emerging from institutional assessment, (2) focuses on learning outcomes and/or the environment supporting student learning and accomplishing the mission of the institution, (3) demonstrates institutional capability for the initiation, implementation, and completion of the QEP, (4) includes broad-based involvement of institutional constituencies in the development and proposed implementation of the QEP, and (5) identifies goals and a plan to assess their achievement. The QEP should be focused and succinct (no more than seventy-five pages of narrative text and no more than twenty-five pages of supporting documentation or charts, graphs, and tables).
Longwood University QEP It’s the subject of Core Requirement 2.12: The institution has developed an acceptable Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) that includes an institutional process for identifying key issues emerging from institutional assessment and focuses on learning outcomes and/or the environment supporting student learning and accomplishing the mission of the institution. (Quality Enhancement Plan) (Note: This requirement is not addressed by the institution in its Compliance Certification.)
Longwood University QEP And of Comprehensive Standard 3.3.2: The institution has developed a Quality Enhancement Plan that (1) demonstrates institutional capability for the initiation, implementation, and completion of the QEP; (2) includes broad- based involvement of institutional constituencies in the development and proposed implementation of the QEP; and (3) identifies goals and a plan to assess their achievement. (Quality Enhancement Plan) (Note: This requirement is not addressed by the institution in its Compliance Certification.)
Longwood University QEP What this means for us: The QEP is a forward-looking document describing changes the university will implement to improve student learning outcomes in a particular area. The topic is chosen after seeking ideas from across university constituencies and reviewing institutional assessment.
Longwood University QEP It is based on research in several ways: there should be assessment showing the student learning outcomes addressed need improvement; the plans for improvement should be based on published research on student learning; the plan must describe how the effectiveness of proposed changes will be assessed.
Longwood University QEP While the entire institution must be involved in the development of the QEP, the QEP itself does not have to impact or involve the entire institution; it must however impact a “significant” group of students. The plan should be focused. It should not be considered a way to fix every problem. Funding to implement the plan must be incorporated into the university’s budget. Documentation of the entire process is important.
Longwood University QEP Organization of topic selection and plan development: QEP Topic Selection Committee, Comprising members drawn broadly from the faculty and other areas on campus, this group will guide the university-wide process for choosing the topic of Longwood’s QEP and recommend proposals to the Leadership Team.
Longwood University QEP MemberUnit Cheryl AdkinsCollege of Business & Economics McRae AmossCook-Cole College of Arts & Sciences Brenda AtkinsPresident’s Office Jennifer CapaldoCook-Cole College of Arts & Sciences Jackie HallCook-Cole College of Arts & Sciences David LocascioCollege of Education and Human Services Jake MilneCook-Cole College of Arts & Sciences Tracy NelsonAdministration and Finance Jamie RileyStudent Affairs Cathy RoyCollege of Education and Human Services Mary Meade SaundersAcademic Affairs Nancy SheltonUniversity Advancement Susan StinsonCook-Cole College of Arts & Sciences Billy TuckerInformation & Instructional Technology Benjamin TyreeStudent Government Association Ling WhitworthAcademic Affairs
Longwood University QEP QEP Development Committee, Comprising members drawn more narrowly from areas related to the selected topic, this group will define the student learning outcomes the QEP will address, conduct a literature review of sound practices in the area chosen, identify the actions to be implemented, establish the timeline for implementation, identify necessary resources, and develop the assessment plan.
Longwood University QEP Anticipated timeline Fall 2011 (QEP Topic Selection Committee) Solicit suggestions in broad areas from all constituencies and review university assessment Spring 2012 Review and focus suggestions Research and narrow possible themes Present and seek feedback on a limited number of possible themes Propose themes to SACS Leadership Team
Longwood University QEP Anticipated Timeline (continued) Fall 2012 (QEP Development Committee) Develop framework for QEP and define student learning outcomes Determine key initiatives and research sound practices Identify actions to be implemented Establish timeline for
Longwood University QEP Anticipated timeline (continued) Spring 2013 Draft document outlining plan and seek approval for any curricular changes, etc. Pilot project? Fall 2013 Finalize QEP document Pilot project? Spring 2014 Submit QEP for review six weeks prior to scheduled on-site visit (i.e., January 15?) Undergo on-site review (the QEP is the main topic of interest for the on-site review team)
Longwood University QEP Anticipated timeline (continued) Fall 2014 Receive reaffirmation of accreditation and approval of QEP at SACS annual meeting Spring 2015 Begin implementation of plan Fall 2019 or 2020 SACS 5th year interim report Provide impact report to SACS (demonstrate how QEP has affected student learning)
Longwood University QEP For more information: SACS Reaffirmation Handbook, pp : k%20for%20Institutions%20seeking%20reaff irmation.pdf Summaries of recent QEPs: maries.asp