HEART ATTACK Signs, Symptoms and Prevention Shane Cole, RN Emory University Hospital Midtown
Startling Statistics Coronary Heart disease is the Number 1 cause of death in the United States. 79 Million Americans have heart or blood vessel disease. Every year 1.1 million Americans suffer a heart attack.
About 460,000 of those heart attacks are fatal. Every 36 seconds someone dies from heart and blood vessel disease. People having a heart attack on average wait 2 hours before seeking medical attention. Startling Statistics
The Good News You can help change these statistics with education and lifestyle modification !
Know your risk of developing heart or blood vessel disease. Identify local cardiac care centers in your area with 24 hour cardiac care. Emory University Hospital Midtown (EUHM) is an Accredited Chest Pain Center with PCI by the Society of Chest Pain Centers. EUHM is the only Accredited Chest Pain center in Midtown/Downtown Atlanta. What can you do?
Do you suffer from the following? Obesity Smoking High blood pressure Ideal BP 120/80 Hypertension is BP >/= 140/90 Diabetes High cholesterol Sedentary lifestyle Poor diet Male greater than 45 years old Female greater than 55 years old Are you at Risk?
What is a Heart Attack? An episode when blood flow to part of the heart is blocked. This occurs due to plaque (fat, cholesterol and other substances) build up that happens over time and makes it harder for heart to pump blood through it. Plaque can break off and form clots causing areas of heart not to get blood flow and can lead to damage or death to surrounding heart muscles.
Signs you may be having a heart attack Uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, or fullness in chest that last more than a few minutes or goes away and returns. Pain/discomfort in one or both arms,jaw,back, neck or stomach. Shortness or breath with or without chest discomfort. Cold sweat, nausea or lightheadedness.
What to do if you have those symptoms? If symptoms last more than 5 minutes SEEK MEDICAL ATTENTION! DON’T WAIT to call 9-1-1
What Can I expect at the Hospital? Electrocardiogram (EKG)- electrical tracing of the heart activity Blood tests Medications Aspirin- thins blood to decrease the size of potential clots during a heart attack Nitroglycerin- relaxes blood vessels and stops chest pain Beta-blocker- slows heart rate to make heart beat with less force to decrease blood pressure, lets heart work less hard
Other Testing Cardiac Catheterization: used in specific types of heart attacks. Checks for blockages and narrowed areas in the coronary arteries via a fine tube placed in artery of arm or leg and threaded to heart. Used as an emergent treatment for life threatening heart attacks.
How to tell if you are at risk? See your doctor, have him/her do preventative screen Check your cholesterol (total <200) LDL- “bad” cholesterol, Low-density lipoprotein (<100) HDL- “good” cholesterol, High-density lipoprotein (<40) Triglycerides- fat made naturally in body Homocysteine-amino acid in the blood, too much of it is related to a higher risk of coronary heart disease, stroke and peripheral vascular disease (fatty deposits in peripheral arteries)
Emory Healthcare offers several out patient service to help reduce risk… Emory Heartwise program $150 heartscan, with calcium score and risk stratification American Heart Association website: Act-in-Time website from NIH Resources