Vision, Goals and History Consultant Study Summary Strategic Project Goals Phase One Objectives Appendix
Vision As a critical component of the transportation network on campus, the University of Maryland’s bicycle planning efforts will be a cornerstone of its commitment to take responsibility for the future, and will contribute to it being widely recognized as a national model for a Green University.
The goals are: Significantly increase bicycling on campus as an alternative to automobile travel Reduced automobile use will: Reduce congestion and GHG emissions Reduce the amount of space and money dedicated to motor vehicle parking Contribute to sustainability efforts Improve campus wellness Increase safety and mobility Model engagement in collaborative partnerships as indicated in the campus Strategic Plan
Bicycle Advocacy Group Formed Bicycle Study Commisioned Bicycle Program funded
Spot Improvements Crosswalk Transition Curbramp Stair ramp Intersection improvement Move signal actuator Adjust gate Bicycle Facilities Bike station Bike lockers Covered bike parking Bike box Dismount zone Route Facilities Bike lane Shared lane marking Climbing lane Contra flow climbing lane
Increase number of racks Enhance coordination with stakeholders Undertake a comprehensive pedestrian and bicycle facility inventory Foster connection between bicycling and transit Increase outreach Provide bicycle safety training Actively promote bicycles as part of the sustainability plan Establish a strategy for typing ridership to carbon reduction goals Expand and reorient bicycle information on the DOTS website Implement bicycle rental program Improve bicycle registration process Investigate bike sharing systems Advocate for external improvements related to connections to campus, the purple line and any public/private partnerships Revise guidelines for scooters and mopeds Develop a wayfinding strategy Increase bicycle police presence Create student led enforcement group Revise design guidelines in the Facilities Master Plan to reflect current best practices
Implement Yellow Route from the year 1 Phase in the Campus Bicycle Study.
The bicycle study has some weaknesses to include: Limited consideration of off-campus connections Lack of focus in selecting target group Lack of rigor in cost estimates The BAG recommendation has some limitations to include: One route doesn’t provide rich information for growth and may be confusing Some of the elements of the Yellow route may not suit our population as well as other study recommendations
Driver Education Drivers and cyclists must under stand the rules of the road Divisional Collaboration Commuter cycling enhancement must be a collaborative effort Unified Message Working together maximizes the available resources and builds buy-in
PhysicalPromotionProgramsPartneringProcess Implementation of the Bicycle Plan considers 5 key areas for improvement to ensure campus wide adoption and buy-in.
Route Facilities: Identify several roads throughout campus as vehicular/bike roadways as designated by Maryland State Highway road markings and add covered parking. (DOTS) ADSB Presentation was 7/24, initial proposal denied. Suggested routes will be highlighted in an educational brochures and signs will be added to the exits of some parking lots. Cole Field house is proposed location for covered parking. Install more racks at key buildings (DOTS) Existing racks have been charted. High density rack locations have been incorporated into a map.
Bike Facilities Move Bike Shop to Cole Field house (CRS) Scheduled for Fall Opening. Spot Improvements: When connections require Elements such as curb cuts and rack replacements
COLE FIELD HOUSESERVICES Covered bike parking Informational Boards and Kiosks Bicycle Maintenance Bicycle Classes Departure Point for Bicycle Tours Close access to other modes of transportation
These routes are based on the multi- colored routes proposed by Toole Consulting but put more emphasis on commuting to and from off- campus locations.
Suitable for Roadways too narrow for bicycle lane To connect disconnected bicycle facilities e.g. lanes, paths Shall only be used on roads with posted speed limit less than 35 mph Design Shall be placed after each intersection Approximately 14 “sharrow” markings are proposed.
18 signs were requested. 7 signs were approved. Signs were posted Spring 2010.
Create Map showing racks and trails (DOTS) Create “Getting There by Bike” guide to area points of interest. (DOTS) Also multimodal map that shows how to “get there” without a car? Collaborate on outreach main events~First –Look Fair, Resident Hall Move-in days, Orientation, Bike to Work Day, Earth Day etc. (CRS and DOTS) Improve and link DOTS and CRS bicycle related websites (DOTS and CRS)
living on or near campus Tier 1: Incoming Freshmen living on or near campus Tier 2 : Upper-class students living within 3 miles of campus with a fitness level that would allow them to immediately begin a bicycle commute Tier 3 : Active students living within 3 miles of campus or willing to consider living within 3 miles of campus Tier 4 : Active Faculty/Staff Some programming must educate drivers about watching for bicyclists DRIVERS: Share the Road
Create Outreach programs and classes (CRS) Confident City Riding Course Basic Bicycle Maintenance Course Bike Shop Open House Women specific programming (DOTS&CRS) Develop long term bike lease/rental program (CRS & DOTS) Bike Commuter Shower Pass(Ritchie) Employees can request a pass to use the showers at Ritchie.
Develop and maintain external relationships related to grants and other financial support(DOTS) Collaborate with the Wellness Coalition and Campus Student groups to raise faculty, staff and student awareness (DOTS & CRS) Create and implement advocacy plan for regional collaboration regarding off-campus connections (DOTS) John Farley from Office of Administrative Affairs
Address theft concerns: Leave hanging info tags on bikes using cable locks reminding students to register and get a better lock (DOTS & CRS) Create unified campus process for bike registration and recovery as well as collection of abandoned bikes (DOTS, CRS & PS, RF, Capstone) Address safety concerns by; “Premier” Bicycle Registration comes with a U-lock (DOTS & PS) Collaborate with Public Safety on safety concerns
Observe the impact of a low cost, compact infrastructure improvement on bicycling Evaluate how the infrastructure changes work for bicyclists and how they look for the rest of the campus Evaluate how the infrastructure changes impact safety and mobility of campus community Measure how collaboration with other campus departments leads to adoption of bicycling as an alternative to cars for the daily commute This project will guide us in our efforts to improve bicycling conditions on, to and from campus prior to a more comprehensive Campus Bicycle Plan implementation by allowing us to:
# of bicycle permits registered. Goal: 350 new permits Repeat of the bicycle count from the consultant study Goal: 85% increase in overall ridership, 100% increase in female ridership # of students participating in CRS bicycle related programming Collection of anecdotal feedback from SGA, RSA and GSG
EXPECTED OUTCOME More than 800 registered bicycles on campus. Waiting list for classes at the Bike Shop Demand outpaces supply for bike share program SGA and other student groups are more involved with Green Transportation Stakeholders are prepared for new changes such as mandatory bicycle registration and stricter enfCRSement CULTURE CHANGES Incoming Freshmen and Faculty/Staff are fully aware of campus options related to alternative or multi-modal transportation including biking Campus Stakeholders, including non-bikers are more aware and supportive of increasing bicycle traffic on campus and limiting car traffic
Work with stakeholders to evaluate the metrics and determine what steps to take next, such as: Develop a way- finding strategy Increase bicycle police presence Create student led enforcement group Revise design guidelines in the Facilities Master Plan to reflect current best practices
Implement additional infrastructure changes Advocate for improvement of 193/azalea lane intersection Advocate for lights on Paint Branch Trail Seek grants for transformation of Comcast Walk to multi-use trail Shared Road Markings
Objective: Manage scare resources to install racks in the highest priority locations in order to anticipate parking needs as the bicycle community develops. Develop robust data on racks (GIS) Develop a rack inventory system Develop rack strategic plan that minimizes use of sidewalks