Ubuntu/ Linux Mobile Phone operating systems My Cole Eldridge
Different types Today we have may different mobile operating system. I will many talk about ubuntu mobile operating system and how it compares to apples android Mobile operating system.
Lets look at a Computers and Phone Computers Ram Possessor Hard drive Touch screen Phone Ram Possessor Hard drive Touch screen
Ubuntu/ Linux Mobile operating system
Ubuntu Phone This phone acts like a computer No more will you need apps like drop box to transfer files to your phone. All you need is a usb cored
Taking a phone call When your phone is hooked up to the computer the call will show up on the screen letting you take the call on your computer
Apple Not really customizable What you see is what you get But Apple looks really nice
Android Android took code from Lenix As customizable as Linux mobile operating system Lots of product’s have android In the first 15 minutes of buying an app if you delete the app you can get back your money
In conclusion It’s really up to the customer on what mobile operating system they’re looking for. Like the new HTC commercial says ”go on the Internet and make your own opinions”