& #noiOnDemand If you are experiencing technical difficulties, please visit to read frequently asked webinar tech questions. Welcome! We will be starting the training session shortly. noi12.co/OnyC98
& #noiOnDemand DEVELOPING AN ASPIRATIONAL MESSAGE Trainer: Alex Cole, Hattaway Communications Facilitated By: Hope Wood, NOI
& #noiOnDemand INTRODUCTIONS NOI On Demand Me & You Norms
& #noiOnDemand AGENDA Introduction Aspirational Method Case Study Narrative Case Study Integrated Campaign Case Study Q&A Evaluation & Next Steps
& #noiOnDemand
& ASPIRATIONAL CANDIDATE MESSAGE 05 ASPIRATIONAL We want everyone’s voice to be heard by government. We want everyone to live in a neighborhood they are proud to call home. We want people to work together to strengthen their communities. EMOTIONAL Inspired to get involved and hopeful we can make our neighborhoods better. SOCIAL Our campaign represents the diversity of Boston—we’re new Bostonians, long-time Bostonians, and life-long Bostonians. We care about our communities. CONTRAST He is an experienced community organizer, born and raised in Boston. ISSUES & POLICIES More responsive government, jobs, crime and education.
& #noiOnDemand NARRATIVE STRUCTURE 06 CANDIDATE Vision & values Voters Voters’ hopes & values MAIN CHARACTER HELPER OBSTACLES Voters’ hopes & values GOALS Antagonists Attitudes Bad policies Circumstances beyond control
& #noiOnDemand SAMPLE CITY COUNCIL NARRATIVE 07 Everyone should have a voice in their government and live in a neighborhood they are proud to call home. Values. This is a statement of core beliefs that explains why the candidate is running for office. This should also reflect the values of voters. But too many people feel their voices are not heard and are concerned about their communities—people are losing their jobs, don’t feel safe in their neighborhoods, and worry about their children’s education. Issues & Obstacles. This describes the problems that stand in the way of people’s hopes and values. It should reflect top concerns on voters’ minds. Felix Arroyo was raised in a family of teachers, who taught him that everyone has something to give. Both of his parents were teachers, and his wife teaches in a public school. That’s why he chose to become a community organizer. He works as a healthcare organizer and previously worked as a labor organizer, helping people get good jobs with fair wages. Bio. This describes relevant aspects of the candidate’s life that demonstrate his values. It references an important life choice to show his values in action.
& #noiOnDemand SAMPLE CITY COUNCIL NARRATIVE 07 Felix practices what he calls “collaborative politics”—bringing people together to make their voices heard and their communities better. His campaign is bringing together people from all walks of life across the city—people who believe that, working together, we can build a better Boston for everyone. Campaign & Supporters. This suggests how he will govern if elected. It also describes the people involved in the campaign. If elected to the City Council, he will work to create a level playing field so that everyone has access to their government—and keep working with people from the community to create more jobs, safer streets, and better schools Issues. These are the top issues that the candidate will address in office – and how he will work to address them. These issues are phrased in terms of outcomes, i.e. “more jobs, safer streets, better schools.” Join our campaign—you’ll meet great people and make a real contribution. Let’s build a better Boston. Call to Action. The message concludes with a direct invitation to get involved. It also describes the experience people will have with the campaign.
& #noiOnDemand FELIX ARROYO NARRATIVE DELIVERED 08 “Our theme is, ‘Let’s build a better Boston,’” he said, nursing a coffee while waiting for volunteers to show up for a canvassing of Jamaica Plain last Saturday morning. “We chose it because it’s inclusive. It’s about all of us.” “It was as basic as making sure that constituents in the district got basic city services to helping a single mother fight an eviction,” he said. “The way we solved problems was working together with the community to find solutions.” “I think it’s time for a new politics in Boston,” he said. “Our campaign is based on collaborative politics — bringing people together so we can all have a voice in government.” I was raised in a family of teachers. Raised to believe every child, every person, has something to give. I was raised in a strong community. Where people pitched in to help out. I believe everyone has the right to live in a neighborhood they’re proud to call home. That everyone’s voice should be heard. That by bringing people together, we can create the change we want. That’s how I was raised. It’s how I’ve lived my life. It’s how we’ll build a better Boston. 30 Second Ad Script
& #noiOnDemand MESSAGE MANUAL 09 > Campaign Message > Sound Bites > One-minute Message > Talking Points > Q&A > Contrast > Web Content > Sample Ad Content
& #noiOnDemand INTEGRATED CAMPAIGN CASE STUDY POLLIE AWARD WINNER > Message R & D > TV & Online Advertising > Online Advocacy > Media Advocacy > Grassroots Mobilization 14
& #noiOnDemand IMPACTFUL MESSAGE TO REFRAME ISSUE EMOTIONAL If abortion is illegal, women will be treated like criminals. Doctors will stop performing abortions. What will happen to women if doctors stop performing abortions? Women who need them will be forced into dangerous back-alley abortions. They may face prison time or other punishments. ASPIRATIONAL Women should be safe and healthy— and have the freedom to make personal, private decisions without being treated like criminals. SOCIAL The majority of women who have abortions are already mothers. Mothers know better than the government what is best for themselves and their children. FUNCTIONAL In 2007 alone, 14 states, including moderate states like Colorado and Ohio, considered legislation that would make abortion completely illegal. Legislation that would outlaw abortion is currently pending before Congress. 15
& #noiOnDemand WEBSITE MUST ENGAGE 16 HowMuchTime.org Site Features > Sign Pledge > Sponsor TV ads > Viral Video > Become an Organizer > Donate
& #noiOnDemand ONLINE ADS RAISE QUICK VISIBILITY 16 VENUES Search Engines Political Blogs Women’s Blogs Social Networking Sites YouTube Brand Channel Gather.com Conversations 17
& #noiOnDemand COVERAGE HAS MEASURABLE VALUE The Wall Street Journal Circulation Print: 2,690,463 Online: 566,660 TOTAL: 3,257,123 Ad Value Equivalency Print: $61,974 Online: $19,833 TOTAL: $81,807 19
& #noiOnDemand INTEGRATION ENHANCES RESULTS Site traffic increased from 14 to more than 1,000 visits a day 7.4 million Meet the Press & CNN/YouTube debate viewers 35 million Online ad impressions 3.8 million Households reached via TV 20
& #noiOnDemand REVIEW Message development Narrative delivery Integration
& #noiOnDemand & #noiOnDemand QUESTIONS?
& #noiOnDemand Evaluation
& #noiOnDemand **I will add in the remaining webinars for the week in the final draft of this ppt. WHAT’S NEXT?: THIS WEEK
& #noiOnDemand & #noiOnDemand Interdependent Leadership (aka the Snowflake Model) Interdependent Leadership HOW CAN I SUPPORT NOI ON DEMAND?