What is photosynthesis? Photosynthesis is how plants make their food by using the sun. Light comes from the sun.
Wavelengths Light comes in different wavelengths. We see it as colors in the rainbow. We wanted to know how our plant would respond to different wavelengths.
How do plant leaves respond to different wavelengths? MATERIALS Clear laminate sheets. Permanent markers: red, blue, yellow, green Black construction paper Scotch tape Healthy plant Sunny window PROCEDURE 1. 1.Colored one laminate paper red, one blue, one yellow, one green Cut red, blue, yellow, green, clear laminate sheets, and one piece of black construction paper in half lengthwise and then in thirds along width Placed 2 squares of same color together and taped on three sides to make sleeve Placed 2 sleeves of each color on leaves Placed plant in sunny window for one week At end of week removed sleeves and recorded data.
HYPOTHESIS I thought this was going to happen: Clear- most light would get in, no change Black- none of the light can get in and the leaf dies Yellow- I think the yellow one is going to be healthy Blue – I think the blue one is going to be like the yellow Red- I think this one is going to be really healthy Green – I don’t think its going to be healthy
RESULTS Sleeve Color Leaf # 1 Leaf # 2 Clear Green, no change Blue Green Brown spot, no change Dark green, no change Yellow Brown spot, no change Dark green, no change Red Green, no change Black Light green, was greener before
CONCLUSIONS What happened to the leaves with the clear, blue, and yellow sleeves was as I thought would happen. With the black sleeve I said the leaf would die. The leaf did not die, but it was not as green as before. The data did not support my hypothesis about the red and green leaves. Maybe more time was needed for changes to happen, but I conclude that as long as there is some light getting to the plant it will live.
REFERENCES ct_ideas/PlantBio_p015.shtml ct_ideas/PlantBio_p015.shtml Cole, Joanna, The Magic School Bus Gets Planted; Scholastic Inc., Mom- She helped me make sleeves, record results, and helped me with PowerPoint.