Archaeology – the scientific study of the remains of the past.
What are some remains from the past? Fossils Traces of plants and animals that have been preserved in rock Artifacts Weapons, tools and other things made by humans
Archaeologist - a scientist who unearths the remains of the past
Archaeology site in Iowa
Archaeology site in Israel
Anthropology The science of studying the development of human cultures and behavior
Anthropologist A scientist who studies the behavior of humans.
Anthropologists study artifacts and fossils.
What can these fossils tell you about human behavior?
Hominid skulls
Hominid A creature that walks on two legs.
Lucy a 3 million year-old fossil of a hominid
Donald Johanson discovered Lucy
Prehistory – the history of humans before writing
Radiocarbon Dating All living things contain carbon 14 (radioactive) After death, carbon 14 slowly disappears By measuring remaining carbon 14, scientists can see how old a fossil is. Accurate up to 50,000 years old.
Radiocarbon Dating
Louis and Mary Leakey Archaeologists Made discoveries in Tanzania, Africa
Mary Leakey discovered a 2 million year old fossil
Louis and Mary Leakey
Olduvai Gorge
Timelines Before Current Era = B.C. B.C. works as negative numbers The year before A.D. 1 is 1 B.C. 100 years before A.D. 1 is 100 B.C. B.C. = “Before Christ”
Timelines Current Era = A.D. A.D. 1 – A.D. 2013 There is no year 0 A.D. = anno Domini (the year of our Lord) NOW IT IS TIME FOR YOU TO DRAW ONE!