Introduction © John Stevenson, 2011 Maps by David P. Barrett, used by permission
Dr. John T. Stevenson Family Life Academic Life
Family Life Academic Life Professional Life Dr. John T. Stevenson
Family Life Academic Life Professional Life Ministry Life Spiritual Life Dr. John T. Stevenson
Family Life Academic Life Professional Life Spiritual Life Ministry Life Archaeology and Ancient History Dr. John T. Stevenson
Group Introductions Your nameYour name Your home churchYour home church Where are you in the SFBC process?Where are you in the SFBC process? What is your current ministry within the Kingdom?What is your current ministry within the Kingdom?
Textbook The Archaeology of the Bible. The Archaeology of the Bible. James K. Hoffmeier. Lion Publisher, UK: 2008
Textbook The Historical Books of the Old Testament: One God, One People, One Land The Historical Books of the Old Testament: One God, One People, One Land John Stevenson. Redeemer: 2010
Mesopotamia Egypt Hatti
Mesopotamia Egypt Hatti Land Bridge DESERT
Israel Hittites Assyria Egypt Babylon
Assyria Babylon Egypt Hittites Aram Phoenicia Israel
Central Mountain Range The Coastal Plain Jordan Rift Valley
Central Mountain Range The Coastal Plain Jordan Rift Valley
Central Mountain Range The Coastal Plain Jordan Rift Valley
Central Mountain Range The Coastal Plain Jordan Rift Valley Trans Jordan
The Valley of Jezreel
The Yarmuk River Gilead
The Valley of Jezreel The Yarmuk River The Jabbok River Gilead
The Valley of Jezreel The Yarmuk River The Jabbok River Gilead The Arnon River Moab
The King’s Highway The Way of the Sea (the Way of the Philistines) Jericho Megiddo
Climate of Canaan Mediterranean ClimateMediterranean Climate Dependent upon winter rainsDependent upon winter rains –Early Rains: October –Later Rains: April
Creation Genesis FallFlood Tower of Babel
Historical Books Period of the Patriarchs Exodus and Sinai JudgesKings of Israel and Judah Return Poetic Books Torah Prophetic Books
Historical Books Period of the Patriarchs Exodus and Sinai JudgesKings of Israel and Judah Return Torah
Egypt 1798
HieroglyphsHieroglyphs DemoticDemotic GreekGreek Three types of Writing
Jean Francois Champollion
Old PersianOld Persian ElamiteElamite AkkadianAkkadian
“Mesha Stele” Jordan1868.
Israel 1908 Gezer
Heinrich Schliemann
Ras Shamrah (Ugarit) Discovered in 1928 Ruins date from around 1450 to 1200 B.C.
Ras Shamrah (Ugarit) Ebla Excavations began in ,000 tablets discovered 1 st city from B.C. 2 nd city from B.C.
Upper Galilee 1994
Bth Dwd “House of David”
Egypt 1887
Giza Amarna Discovered in Cuneiform tablets
Palestine 1947
Isaiah ScrollIsaiah Scroll Second copy of IsaiahSecond copy of Isaiah Community RuleCommunity Rule Pesher on HabakkukPesher on Habakkuk War ScrollWar Scroll Thanksgiving HymnsThanksgiving Hymns Genesis ApocryphonGenesis Apocryphon
Jerusalem Bethlehem Qumran
Qumran Jerusalem Bethlehem
Qumran Jerusalem Bethlehem
Hebrew University of Jerusalem Incomplete manuscript of Isaiah reflecting old HebrewIncomplete manuscript of Isaiah reflecting old Hebrew Thanksgiving HymnsThanksgiving Hymns War ScrollWar Scroll
Metropolitan of the Syrian Orthodox Church in Jerusalem Isaiah Scroll reflecting editorial changesIsaiah Scroll reflecting editorial changes Community RuleCommunity Rule Pesher HabakkukPesher Habakkuk Genesis ApocryphonGenesis Apocryphon
Moved to the United StatesMoved to the United States Put the scrolls up for sale in a newspaper advertisementPut the scrolls up for sale in a newspaper advertisement
Son of Eleazar Sukenik General in Israeli army Purchased through an intermediary the four scrolls for the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Languages RepresentedLanguages Represented –Mostly Hebrew text –Few Aramaic –Even fewer Greek
Languages RepresentedLanguages Represented Writing MaterialsWriting Materials –Mostly Parchment –Few Papyri –One Copper Scroll
Languages RepresentedLanguages Represented Writing MaterialsWriting Materials Subject MatterSubject Matter –Biblical texts (Old Testament) –Jewish books –Books used in a unique Jewish sect
The Forming of Ancient Tels
Unexcavated Tel at Colossae
Methods of Excavations Complete Excavation Pit Method Trench Method Grid Method
Types of Writing MonumentalMonumental ProfessionalProfessional OccasionalOccasional
Professional Berach, son of Beriah
Maps provided by David P. Barrett Used by Permission