Heritage & Culture David Lowe Principal Ecologist & Ben Wallace Historic Environment Record Manager Protecting and exploring Warwickshire’s past in order to inspire its present and build for the future HS2 Community Benefit Seminar
2 Heritage and Culture Warwickshire Archives and Historic Environment County Record Office Archaeology (Information and Advice) Museum and Natural Environment Museum ServiceEcology Communities, Economy and Learning Learning and Community Engagement Heritage Education Volunteering Community engagement programme Culture and Arts Development County Arts Service Tourism Archaeology (Projects) Fundraising Protect - Explore - Inspire HS2 Community Benefit Seminar
3 The County Record Office safeguards, manages and develops Warwickshire’s archives so they can be accessed, interpreted and enjoyed by all either in person or online. Purpose built premises provide safe and controlled accommodation for almost three miles of archives representing 900 years of Warwickshire’s history and providing information for every aspect of life and work in Warwickshire. The Record Office celebrates 80 years of service to Warwickshire in Archaeology (Information and Advice) maintains and enhances the Warwickshire Historic Environment Record (HER), the most comprehensive publicly accessible record of archaeological sites, finds and historic landscapes within the County. The HER underpins the advice provided to a variety of users on the conservation, management and interpretation of Warwickshire's heritage; of particular importance are the advice, both strategic and casework-specific, given to Local Planning Authorities in respect of the archaeological implications of land-use change, and the potential for local communities and individuals to engage with and be inspired by their heritage. Archaeology (Projects) is a modern, forward thinking provider of high quality, cost effective archaeological and heritage service solutions to architects, commercial developers and other industries, throughout the midlands. Experts in archaeological excavation historic building recording can be commissioned to deliver original and stimulating outreach and publicity, as well as strategic guidance and training for community projects throughout Warwickshire and beyond. Museum Service: The Museum Service continues to safeguard County heritage for future generations. It works with Regional partners, communities across the County and internally across the County Council to promote County heritage and culture, interpret our significant and unique collections and to make our heritage personally and virtually accessible for all. Ecology: The service’s key roles are to collate and manage verified ecological records to underpin professional, sound and timely advice to assist the council and partners in the delivery of their biodiversity statutory duties. This service meets the Government’s aims to move towards a net biodiversity gain by Heritage & Culture Warwickshire: Protect - Explore - Inspire HS2 Community Benefit Seminar
4 Heritage Education’s main purpose is to provide access to Warwickshire heritage to schools across the county and beyond. It provides a varied programme for primary and secondary schools allowing unique access to many historic and natural sites in Warwickshire as well as access to the diverse collections of archives, artefacts and data across Heritage and Culture Community Engagement programme: A key part of the work of the Learning and Community Engagement team is the development and delivery of a wide range of activities to engage sections of the community in the Heritage and Culture of Warwickshire. Drawing on the expertise and collections within Heritage and Culture, it provides new and exciting opportunities for groups and individuals across the county County Arts: The County Arts Service initiates, supports and brokers partnerships with a wide range of arts and non arts organisations to develop an accessible, high quality and sustainable arts infrastructure across the county, raising the profile of the arts within Warwickshire, regionally and nationally. The County Arts Service ensures that the arts offer beneficial outcomes and opportunities to participate for communities across Warwickshire, including vulnerable and isolated groups Tourism: The Tourism Service has a strategic agenda to lead on the sustainable growth of Warwickshire's visitor economy. This includes working with others to develop and promote our strong portfolio of tourism assets and cultural opportunities, so as to sustain and create new jobs, generate additional spending within the economy and improve the quality of life for all those that live, work and visit the county Special Projects (Fundraising, Income Generation and Marketing): The Special Projects Team will develop a strategic, innovative and robust approach to fundraising, income generation and marketing across Heritage and Cultural Services. All work will be undertaken with a view to ensuring the sustainable future of the zero budgeted Special Projects team HS2 Community Benefit Seminar
5 How to make your project the best it can be. Do your research – find out what's been done Look at other projects for ideas, support and advice and network with them Have fun – attract new people to your group Make your budget complete and easy to calculate Volunteer Hours are valuable – use timesheets Do the paperwork – release and copyright forms Ask interviewees for photographs and documents that support their stories Choose the right heritage partner for your project HS2 Community Benefit Seminar
6 Why work with heritage partners on your bid? Expertise – collections, advice and legacy Experience – potential problems, costs and support Resources – access to materials, computers, rooms, collections Good partnership working benefits everyone HS2 Community Benefit Seminar
Historic Environment – Archaeology – Built Environment HS2 Community Benefit Seminar Research
Community Engagement Projects - Ideas HS2 Community Benefit Seminar Parish/Village Survey – Documentary and Physical Training projects – Understanding more about your local heritage Access to Heritage and the Historic Environment Aural History – Before and After HS2 Community Excavation Field Walking – Finds Identification Heritage Warden Scheme
9 Ecological Data HS2 Community Benefit Seminar This plan has been produced specifically to supply an individual with value added Local Authority information. Reproduction from the Ordnance Survey mapping with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office © Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. Licence number
10 Local Ecological Volunteers Experts –Trained and qualified –Accepted by peer-group –Self-proclaimed –Only one in the UK Life long learners Interested, but not experienced / equipped / trained / qualified –By their own admission –They may not recognise it! “I record the.….. in my garden” “I am very keen to learn all about..... today” –But what about tomorrow? HS2 Community Benefit Seminar
11 Research HS2 Community Benefit Seminar What are archives? Archives are records created by an organisation or an individual in the course of their work or daily life that have been selected for permanent preservation because of their potential for research. Warwickshire County Record Office safeguards manages and develops Warwickshire's archives so that they can be accessed, interpreted and enjoyed by all those with an interest in Warwickshire's past and its people.
12 HS2 Community Benefit Seminar Parish of All Saints, Grendon, DRB4/84 Heritage Open Days
13 HS2 Community Benefit Seminar Leamington Board of Health Map, 1851 CR1563/190
14 HS2 Community Benefit Seminar Museum Roman Bronze Bleeding Cup Roman Sponge on Stick Documents and objects to do with health and medicine held in Warwickshire County Council collections (archives and museum collections)
15 Art Projects HS2 Community Benefit Seminar County Arts' programmes & partnerships see 135,000 residents accessing the arts every year.
What can we do for you? HS2 Community Benefit Seminar Provide information Historic Environment Record Biological Records Centre Habitat Biodiversity Audit County Record Office Provide advice Provide professional expertise Archaeology Warwickshire – Community project management, Open days, Field survey, Building recording, Excavations
What can you do? HS2 Community Benefit Seminar Be active and willing Think of ideas Put projects forward
18 HS2 Community Benefit Seminar Last Word of Advice Think how your project fits with your Parish Plan Neighbourhood Plan If your project fulfils your strategic aims and objectives you may have a better chance of success THIS HS2 FUND IS JUST ANOTHER GRANT THAT COULD HELP YOU DELIVER YOUR THOUGHTS AND IDEAS
Contact Details Warwickshire Historic Environment Record: Heritage and Culture Warwickshire Barrack Street Warwick CV34 4SX –HER Information online at: Warwickshire Biological Record Centre: HS2 Community Benefit Seminar