Humanity Before Civilization.  Appeared about 4 million years ago (mya)  Bipedal (walked on two feet)  All are members of the human family tree  Walking.


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Presentation transcript:

Humanity Before Civilization

 Appeared about 4 million years ago (mya)  Bipedal (walked on two feet)  All are members of the human family tree  Walking on two legs means having hands free to do other things. What would be some advantages of this?  -ability to carry objects and young  -ability to make/use tools  -self defense/weapons

 Australopithecus afarensis: -Approximately 3.2 million years old -Found in Africa -Represented by the famous “Lucy” fossil remains -Oldest conclusive evidence of bipedalism (walking on two feet)

 Homo habilis: -Approximately 2.5 million years old -Found in Africa -Nicknamed “handy man” because first to make and use tools (from stone)

 Homo erectus: -Approximately 2 million years ago -First to leave Africa and enter Europe and Asia -Walked completely upright (like us), made tools from stone, bone and wood -First to use fire

 1) warmth/light to migrate into colder climates  2) to scare off wild animals/predators  3) to cook food (more efficient)  4) to harden/sharpen tools

 Homo sapiens means “man who thinks”.  Humans now hunters, rather than hunted Two types of Homo sapiens, both about years old: A) Homo sapiens neanderthalis (Neanderthals): -Found in Europe -Sloped skull, broad noses, thick eyebrow ridges -Short and stocky body frame -Organized hunter-gatherers but mostly hunters Methods: a) pitfall traps, b) use of bogs and deep stream banks (surround and chase into) -Lived short lives -Were social, cared for sick, buried dead -Died out approximately years ago

 B) Homo sapiens sapiens, a.k.a. Cro-Magnons: -Entered Europe from Africa about years ago, but still found around the world today (us) Skull and body shape like us today. -Organized hunter-gatherers with better tools, weapons, shelters etc  Traded stone tools over long distances  Using tools of stone, bone, wood, ivory, horns  Making beads, ornaments, needles, fishing hooks, bows and arrows Very social, cared for sick and buried dead (probably superior language compared to Neanderthals).

 Brain/skull size increases throughout each species, teeth also become closer in shape and size to ours.  Indicates increase in language areas in the brain as well as change in diet etc.

 1) Why did the Neanderthals disappear about years ago? (4 possible reasons given)  A) Conquered /Killed by modern humans  B) Bred/mixed with modern humans  C) Were outcompeted by modern humans  D) Died due to exposure to diseases brought to them by newcomers (such as modern humans)

 2) How did the Cro-Magnons enter into the Americas about years ago?  At that time, sea level was lower due to water being “locked up” in glaciers covering much of Europe and North America. As the ice retreated (melted), they were able to cross the Bering Strait and enter the Americas.  (Image on next slide)

A) Bipedalism: -Hands free to carry objects and young over long distances, shape and use tools (food, clothing etc), and shape and use weapons for defense B) Opposable thumbs: -Better grasp, more dexterity for making and using tools etc.

C) Control of Fire: -Warmth/light to migrate into colder climates, defense, cook food, harden and sharpen tools D) Tools/weapons: -Became hunters instead of the hunted E) Speech/language: -Ability to work together closely(cooperate), share culture and knowledge

 1) Hominids  2) Anthropologist  3) Fossils  4) Artifacts  5) Evolution  6) Primary documents  7) Paleontologist  8) Archaeology

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 Inherit the Wind Inherit the Wind  Inherit the Wind Inherit the Wind

 Across:  6. evolution  8. civilization  11. Africa  14. Neanderthals  19. primary documents  20. CroMagnons  21. Scopes

 Down:  1. hominid  2. fossils  3. Darwin  4. Homo habilis  5. Lucy  7. natural selection  9. Paleontologist  Down:  10. Archaeology  12. Anthropologists  13. bipedal  15. Homo erectus  16. Homo sapiens  17. Tasaday  18. artifacts

 Ardi Ardi  Science daily article  Ardi Ardi  Science daily article