Datblygu Cymru Digidol Developing Digital Wales Linda Tomos Cadeiryddes: Chair LISC Cymru:Wales.


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Presentation transcript:

Datblygu Cymru Digidol Developing Digital Wales Linda Tomos Cadeiryddes: Chair LISC Cymru:Wales

1973 Changing times.. Librarians ‘control’ access to information People needed to be pro-active to improve their knowledge Learning perceived to be mainly restricted to institutional regimes Computers technology largely a scientific number crunching concern

2003 New challenges.. People empowered by the Web (although not always to the desired effect) Lifelong learning becoming embedded into every day life Access to technology increasingly important to fully engage in daily life

National Strategies Cymru Ar Lein: national ICT strategy Communities First: promoting social inclusion Cymru’n Creu: forum for cultural organisations E-Learning Strategy: plan to implement effective access to E- learning for all

Process CyMAL: Museums, Archives and Libraries Wales Welsh Assembly Government unit of 25 staff, mainly expert advisors, based in Aberystwyth Expected to provide advice for ministers and to develop effective plans for each domain and collaborative activities e.g. monitor public library development plans Initial budget of c.£2m

Preparation CyMAL to begin on April 1 st 2004 Incorporating LISC Wales, the functions of Council for Museums Wales and new services for archives Existing bodies – CILIP Cymru, CWLIS, Archives Council Wales (ACW), Council for Museums Wales likely to continue as advocacy will still be needed New Advisory Council chaired by the Minister for Culture, Sport and the Welsh Language

Context Lifelong Learning Broadband Network - £180m (free Internet access for all educational establishments, libraries, Community ICT centres) Rhwydwaith y Bobl: People’s Network -£6.5m for infrastructure, £800k. ICT Training Programme for librarians Archives Network Wales: HLF-funded project to provide access to metadata for archive collections

Context Cymru Ar y We: Wales on the Web: part of the Cymru Ar Lein portal providing bilingual validated access to websites on Wales SWISH: Royal Commissions on the Ancient and Historic Monuments of Wales and Scotland (RCAHMW and RCAHMS), portal for archaeology Mapping Wales: metadata on Welsh research collections

Culturenet Cymru Not for profit company to encourage innovative use of ICT by the cultural sector Based on Kulturnet Danmark Commission new content Develop existing content (Gathering the Jewels ) Provide training and support

Social Inclusion NOF-funded CALL Programme e.g. ROUTES Project evaluating the use of public libraries for outreach activities E.U. Structural Funds projects e.g. partnerships with public libraries and FE for lifelong learning, extending library opening hours Linc y Gogledd – providing loan facilities of HE materials via local public libraries in N.W. Wales Collaborative local networks e.g. NEWLIS Free access to ORO to all public library members

E-Learning Strategy Led by ELWa “to demonstrate excellence in connectivity, content, confidence and competence in the application of technology to learning” Create a national integrated e-learning network based on ‘one to many’ – all people can access all learning opportunities. This goes beyond technical collaboration and interoperability of systems Implement a national programme of public understanding of the benefits of e-learning

BBC Cymru Wales Digital storytelling Encouraging a sense of place and community Helping to learn about technology without the baggage (learn by stealth) Developing Learning Journeys

References Cymru Ar Lein: E-learning Strategy: www/cymruarlein.wales.gov.uk/skillict/consultation.ht m www/cymruarlein.wales.gov.uk/skillict/consultation.ht m NGfL Cymru: Wales on the Web: Capture Wales: RCAHMW:

Linda Tomos