Appropriate coverage of scholarly publishing in the social sciences and humanities Gunnar Sivertsen Nordic Institute for Studies in Innovation, Research and Education, Oslo, Norway
Overview of this presentation 1.Towards a Bibliometric Database for the SSH? 2.Publishing patterns in the SSH 3.Appropriate coverage – a European overview
Overview of this presentation 1.Towards a Bibliometric Database for the SSH? 2.Publishing patterns in the SSH 3.Appropriate coverage – a European overview
A new bibliometric database? A report produced by SPRU at the University of Sussex for the British, Dutch, French, and German research councils, and the European Science Foundation Two of the recommendations: Negotiate expansions and/or a new database with the suppliers of Web of Science and/or Scopus Integrate national and institutional documentation systems
A new bibliometric database? A report produced by SPRU at the University of Sussex for the British, Dutch, French, and German research councils, and the European Science Foundation Two of the recommendations: Negotiate expansions and/or a new database with the suppliers of Web of Science and/or Scopus Integrate national and institutional documentation systems
Indexed journals Journals and series Books
Percentage journal articles in ISI journals
A new bibliometric database? A report produced by SPRU at the University of Sussex for the British, Dutch, French, and German research councils, and the European Science Foundation Two of the recommendations: Negotiate expansions and/or a new database with the suppliers of Web of Science and/or Scopus Integrate national and institutional documentation systems
Cristin – the Current Research Information System in Norway: Complete records of all scholarly peer reviewed publications at all research organizations in the public sector Used for: Information Statistics Annual reports In the publication lists of research proposals As a bibliography for open archives As links to full text In national budget allocations for the institutions
References imported from ISI Web of Science
Book and article in book added
Overview of this presentation 1.Towards a Bibliometric Database for the SSH? 2.Publishing patterns in the SSH 3.Appropriate coverage – a European overview
The shares of journal articles, articles in books and monographs in the scholarly publication patterns
Humanities: Changes in major publication types between and
Overview of this presentation 1.Towards a Bibliometric Database for the SSH? 2.Publishing patterns in the SSH 3.Appropriate coverage – a European overview
Appropriate coverage of scholarly publishing in the social sciences and humanities - a European overview Gunnar Sivertsen Nordic Institute for Studies in Innovation, Research and Education (NIFU), Norway Elea Giménez-Toledo Center for Human and Social Sciences (CCHS) Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), Spain Tim C. E. Engels Centre for R&D Monitoring (ECOOM), University of Antwerp, Belgium
Also green: Czech Republic
Preliminary results I More than 10 European countries have achieved comprehensive bibliographic data for the SSH. Except Germany and Spain, these are all smaller countries (in terms of population) Although in several countries progress towards achieving full coverage is being made, Croatia have actually reverted to evaluation using the Web of Science only. In Spain, support to systems that provide quality indicators for national journals has been weakened.
Preliminary results II All countries that have comprehensive SSH data available, use it for research information, statistics and studies. Except Germany and Spain, all countries also use it for institutional funding. In several countries we see increasing openness, e.g. with the generation of online public access catalogues, statistics and even full text repositories.